Dust x reader x Killer Threesome! Lemon

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Y/N = your/name

Recommended by blackred 129


You thought to yourself, looking down at your feet...

'I fell in love with two skeletons!'

You yelled at yourself in your head...
You had lived in a master bedroom in the masion with the villain Sans for a while...you were one of the villains too, so you didn't complain.

"I should tell them both..."

You told yourself.
You got up and walked to the door, hesitating to open it.
Killer was always sweet to you and Dust always felt uneasy around you.
You opened the door and walked down the large hallway. Walking to the Dust's room then Killer's room to gather them up to tell them both.

"What is it?"


Killer then Dust said.

"I- ... It's hard to say..."

"We don't have all day y/n!"

Dust said, crossing his arms and stomping one of his feet.

"I like you both, okay!?"

They both looked at you in shock, and lust...
They looked at eachother then back at you...


They both questioned at the same time. Still looking at you with shock...

'Oh shit...'

You saw both of their cocks glowing through their pants...

Before you could say anything, Dust pinned you against the closest wall of your room. You moaned out when he bit a sweet spot on your neck.


"Mmph sweets~"

He moaned with you, rubbing his buldge on your clothed entry...

"Stop teasing me~!"

Dust then ripped off your clothes and carried you to your bed, placing you on it gently, while Killer came over and pushed Dust onto the bed too. Which shocked you and Dust. Killer got on top of you and looked at Dust.

"You can't have all the fun Dust~"

Killer said, looking at Dust and arousing your bare breasts.


"Stuttering for me~?"

"Killer~ more for me~"

He grips your breast gently and arouses you slowly while rubbing your clothed clit...
You leaned your head back as Killer took this opertunity to not only pleasure your neck, but pleasure Dust's ecto-plasmic cock, through his pants.


"Mmph~ Killer~"

You and Dust moaned, arching both your backs. Killer wanted this, he wanted to claim both of you.
Killer tore off Dusts clothing and made an ecto-plasmic pussy for Dust.

"Killer, what are you-"

Before he could finish, Killer pushed himself down on Dusts ecto-plasmic cock.

"Aah~! K-Killer?!"

"Your sexy when you moan~"

You moaned out while Killer started to thrust himself up and down on Dusts cock while pumping his two fingers into you...

"Killer~ make me yours~"

You moaned out on accident, making Killer blush a light tint of red. He got off of Dust and summoned a magic ecto-plasmic cock, and rammed into you without question.

"Killer~! F-fuck!"


Killer moaned close into your ear. Making you blush slightly and making Dust jealous. Dust got up and rammed into Killer, wasting no time on thrusting in and out of him.

"A-ah~! Dust!"

"What~ don't like it rough~?"

'As long as you two are fucking me'

You thought to yourself as Killer started to thrust faster, due to Dust thrusting fast into Killer. Dust came almost right away, pulling out and cumming on Killers back. Killer thrusted even faster after Dust came, making you be close to orgasming.



You both moaned eachothers names as Killer climaxed inside of you. Plopping on the bed, next to Dust, while all three of you panted and layed next to eachother.

"Let's do this again sometime~"



You all agreed as you all fell into deep sleep.

611 words

Au Sans x reader Lemons!! 18+ Where stories live. Discover now