Horrortale Sans x Dusttale Sans x Reader, Threesome~ Lemon!

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Y/N= your/name

You had been working with Dust and Horror a long time, and they always got into arguments, like, even the stupidest things triggered them. Like...who left the toilet seat up, pfft you thought it was stupid. But this time, they were arguing about a mission that Nightmare assigned, the mission: find Ink, Dream, and Blueberry
It was a pretty easy mission in your opinion, but only one of them agreed on that, Horror agreed, Dust didn't. He said that its a hard mission because no one had found them in the past year and we probably wouldn't find them this time.
They were arguing for quite a while...
You finally stepped in.

"Oh my god just shut THE F*CK UP!"

They looked at you with shocked faces, they both took one of your arms and dragged you upstairs to the HUGE MASTER BEDROOM! The door was bigger than any other Au Toriel's door was. They opened the door and threw you into the dark, low-energy, room.
They closed the doors behind them, you were kind-of scared. You didn't know where they were or what to expect...
You felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Shouldn't have talked~"

You felt a shiver of intensity in your spine, and you loved the soft whisper in your ear, it made you wet...

"Why don't we show you what we do to bad girls who talk back~"

That was Dust's voice, 'oh dear god' you thought, are they ganna-

That's when you felt it, a spank on your ass. You couldn't help but moan.


You moaned out, you could feel the presence of both Horror in front of you, and Dust in back of you...


Horror grunted, as you felt a pulsating  feeling on your wet, tight, clothed, pussy.

"Lets take her~"

You heard Dust whisper, it turned you  on so much. You felt a sudden pleasure on your neck, moaning loudly...


You moaned loudly, luckily, no one uses this room so, lucky you three~
You then felt Horror's teeth on your lips, kissing you. You kissed back gently, but you felt another spank, caused by Dust. You moaned and Horror wasted no time in dominating your mouth with his tongue.


You moaned into the kiss. You where pushed on a bed suddenly, having a string of saliva connecting to you and Horror.

"Front or back~?"


You heard Dust, then Horror say. You were lifted up into Horror's arms, and gently placed onto the other side of the bed. Horror was always so gentle with you, and Dust was always rough.
You wanted them so bad, you got even wetter, so wet that you started to make your pants wet. Horror smelled this and smirked.

"Heh~ someone's ganna get fucked aimlessly~"

Horror whispered in your ear, you felt his warm breath on your ear and neck, making you shiver. Dust heard this and chuckled quietly.

"Is she~?"

Dust said, smirking and getting close to you on the bed, practically tearing off your shirt and bra, massaging your breasts from behind.

Au Sans x reader Lemons!! 18+ Where stories live. Discover now