Blueberry x Dream x Ink x Reader! Foursome~ Lemon!

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Recommended by Rosstherainbow

Y/N= your/name




You and the Star Sans had been fighting crime for a while now, and you had one major problem, you loved all three of them and you just imagined, dirty fantasies with each one, and sometimes even, all three.
You never thought what the future was going to hold...

You were on a mission: to find the Villain Sans Castle and find out there plan!
It was pretty easy!
So, you went to where you usually would for any mission, to Dream's tree! It was always so beautiful in Dreamtale, with the drooping trees, swishing and swaying in the wind, the freshly cut grass, and the wind, always the perfect temperature!
You were climbing up the 'bump' of a mountain, where Dream's tree was. And you could already see that Blueberry and Ink were already there! One problem though, you were horny, really horny! This is a huge problem, but you decided to try and hide it...but little did you know they were feeling the same way...

"Hey Y/N!"

"Hey Y/N!"

"Mweh heh, hey Y/N!"

"Hey guys!"

You guys greeted, trying to calm yourself from your heat. 'F-fuck I want them so bad~' you thought to yourself. 'Can I play with myself?' You thought, 'I wanna f-feel touch!' You blushed at your own thoughts, Ink noticed this, and he could smell you~


"Whats so funny?"

"Our friend here is a little wet~"

"What do you mean by that?"

" you mean-♡! "


"Well in that case~"

Blueberry picks you up with his magic and lays you down on your back, 'f-fuck I'm so wet.' You thought to yourself, almost leaking through your underwear.

"We can't just- we can't just fuck her-"

"You sure~"

"Yeah- I'm su-"

Before Dream could finish, he was also layed down by Ink's magic. Blueberry came to you and gripped your breast roughly.


You moaned, making Dream and Blueberry blush, and Ink smirk.

"Someone likes it~"

Blueberry said, looking down at you, smirking.
You could see Ink's rainbow bulge through his clothing, you could also see Dream's yellow, forming, bulge in his pants. Which was kinda hard to see because of his blue pants, but you could see it.
Blueberry climbed on top of you and started arousing your breasts. With his legs on either side of you.

"Ahh~ Blue~!"

You moaned as he aroused you roughly. You never thought Blueberry would be so rough, he was always so sweet and "innocent."

"Someone's needy~ mweh heh~"

He said, with lust in his eyes.

"My turn~"

Ink said, as Blueberry got off you, giving your breasts one last squeeze. Ink got on top of you and ripped your shirt off, making your bra show.

"Haha, nice bra~"

Au Sans x reader Lemons!! 18+ Where stories live. Discover now