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Eric yelled and we all got up and went to the training room and like yesterday we did multiple things. This is how it was for the next week and we all became obsessed with the board. I watched as I fell below at the beginning and then I was three from the line by the end I was in third fourth was Tess and sixth was Troy
" We did it guys we made it to the next stage "
Tess said with a smile across her face
" we're going to celebrate tonight right "
" yes "
I and Tess said to Troy and we were all off and somehow we ended up at the tattoo parlor. We looked at the wall that had all the designs
" chose wisely "
Tess said in a fake parenting tone
" ok mom "
We both laughed and she picked hers it was a crow and she said
" chose your fears right "
Troy grab a maze looking thing and they both went and got started. I walked around to the other side and found it a snake I pulled the yellow glass off the wall and a small smile made its presence know. I walked over to a woman and said
" I'd like to get this "
She took it and looked at it quickly then said
" where do you want it "
" Ummm on my side here "
" ok "
She said and I sat down pulling up my shirt and she put this pad that had a cable coming out of it and after a few minutes it was done and healed
" ok get out of here "
She had a small smile on her face and I said
" what's your name "
" Tori see you around Carter "
I paid her and found my friends. When we got back to the bunks we all got changed into different clothes to go to the party that was going on in the pit. I put on a pair of black leather pants, a lacy black bra, and put a mesh top over it then put on my only pair of shoes which were black boots. I put my really light blond hair in a ponytail and checked myself in the mirror
" ready "
I said and I walked back to our beds
" yeah "
" oh my god you look amazing "
Tess said
" let's go you two "
He said and we went and the music was blaring and they had red and white strobe lights going. Everyone in Dauntless was allowed to go so we got to meet more people we were dancing around being stupid kids forgetting the stress of the past week
" hey I'm going to get a drink want anything "
" No "
They both said and I pushed my way to the bar and the guy said
"What can I get ya "
" umm can just get some water "
" yeah "
He set it down and I said
" how much "
" waters free "
Someone bumped into me so I looked back and then took a sip of the water and it had a funny taste
" hey there doll "
A guy said who was to close for comfort I looked down at the water and noticed a slight blue color to it even though it was in a clear plastic cup. I started to feel a little funny the room started to spin a little and my head started to pound
" What did you give me "
" a little something "
He had a smirk on his face and that's when I punched him in the face and I think I broke his nose because there was blood on his face and a little on my hand. My mind was fuzzy and I figured if I just got to bed when others came back it would look like I just fell asleep it was a good idea till I started to get lost in the halls. After a good few minutes of wandering up and down halls trying to open locked doors, I gave up and sat down
" ahh acting like Anna again stupid "
I laughed and I could hear some heavy boots walking but I couldn't tell where they were going my mind gave up and so did my eyes and it was black and silent.

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