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We all spent the next two days trying not to freak out about the test. It's was just after supper and I said
" hey I'm going to go and get a little work out in do you guys want to come "
" no, I'm going to get some extra sleep tonight before tomorrow "
" me too "
" ok suit your selves see you latter "

When I walked in I saw other people were thinking the same thing. I took a quick look at the board and I was in second and somehow that took some of the pressure off Troy was third and Tess forth. People slowly left and soon it was just me and another guy and a girl that was throwing knives. I was doing push-ups as my last thing before I left and I closed my eyes to push myself further and then a weight hit my left hand I fell to the ground and quickly sat up. I looked up and screamed
" FUCK "
Followed by more not quite scrams but loud noise and the guy said
" Sid go get some "
" ok Shane "
And then I knew what happened he was number 5 and he wanted to move up. I'm guessing he saw me and decided to drop the weight on my hand thinking that would get me kicked out. I looked and it was a 50-pound weight and the guy was big. We were just staring at each other and I was holding my hand then I heard running and I knew it was Eric. I started to get up and Eric said
" what the hell is going on here "
I didn't break eye contact and said
" I was just being clumsy and drop a weight on my hand "
I could see he was annoyed I didn't say he did it or anything like that. I started to walk away and when I got in the hall I slowed down a little and a few moments later I heard footsteps and a hand on my back. I look into Eric's censured eyes and I said
" will this get me kicked out "
" let's see how bad it is first "

The doctor scanned my hand and said
" well I don't know how you could have done this to yourself but it looks like you fractured this bone here and this one. He touched his pen to my pinky finger above the first knuckle and under it on the back of my hand and it hurt a little and I said
" well what do we do now "
" well it's not bad in fact you'd think it's would be worse but it looks like your bones are stronger here like they've been broken before "
" and "
" well we will just put this splint on ... the finger is worse than the one here "
He put the splint on my finger and taped my ring finger to it because it had a slight fracture and I said
" so will I still be able to do the test "
" of course "
He smiled. He let us go and I said
" well I'll see you in the morning "
I started to walk to the door for the bunks and said quietly
" Stop staring at my but "
I went in and went to my bed and Tess popes her head down from up above
" what took so long "
I healed up my hand
" oh my god "
" shhh it's ok I can still do the test "
" ok "
" go to sleep "
I passed out when I hit the pillow.

I and Tess watched as Troy faced his fears of heights, falling from a high place on accident, Bars, drowning, killing someone he loves, failing, bugs, Tess betraying him, then mazes. He made it through in 6 minutes and 27 seconds the second-fastest time
" Tess "
" you have to remember what's real and what's not "
She walked up and soon her fears were on the screen burning alive, monster bugs eating her, drowning, a dark room with noises of the unknown, being forgotten by everyone she loves, Troy killing her, drowning, and being attacked by crows. She made it through in 6 minutes and 31 seconds she walked over to us and there were two of us left to go and I took a deep breath getting ready to go when she said
" savanna "
I was surprised and so was she. We watched her fears on the screen she finished in 8 minutes and 10 seconds that made her sixth
" Carter "
" good luck "
Tess said and I made my way to the chair and soon I was in my fear scape.

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