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No ones POV Luke's Jedi Temple 5 years ago

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No ones POV
Luke's Jedi Temple
5 years ago

Addilyn wakes up to screams coming from outside of her room. She quickly grabs her saber, which was green with a shiny silver handle. Addilyn (Nickname Addy), races outside to see her twin brother, Ben, lightsbaber in hand, covered in blood of her fellow Padawan's. She looks around to see dead Padawans, including younglings, all around her. "..Ben..?" She asked her brother, trembling in fear. "Addy.. join me." He raises his hand out towards her, hoping she will take it. "Together we can rule the galaxy! No jedi to stand in our way... please.." Addilyn can't believe the words she is hearing.. leave her family and everyone she loved behind, after he killed all of her friends?! "Ben, I can't, you killed all of my friends!" Tears start pouring out of her eyes, she tried to hold them back but she couldn't. "Addy! They didn't care about you like I do, we could be powerful, more powerful than any Jedi. More powerful than Master Luke! Join me." Ben told her once again, hand still out for her to take. "No. Ben I can't, I-I just can't." She was terrified. She wondered if he would hurt her like she hurt her friends. Ben sighed and looked at her dead in the eye, "Then you will die!" He walked towards her, wanting to kill her, but he couldn't. He couldn't kill his best friend! Addy stepped back as he walked towards her, she was furious at him. She was his best friend and he was just gonna kill her like that! Ben sliced her arm with his lightsaber (Not ripping it off), and he cut her stomach. She fell over on the ground, thinking that this was it. Ben left without another word.

Addilyn's POV
Lukes jedi temple
Same time

I layed on the floor. I'm in so much pain! How could he do this, my brother of all people. What felt like hours went by, even though it was only minutes, I thought this was it, this was how I was gonna die. Until moments later I  hears ships land on the planet, very close by. I looks up to see a man, maybe 2 to 3 years older than me come running towards me. "Hello?! Are you okay?" The unknown man told me. "Wh-who are you..?" I ask him, still in so much pain. "I'm Poe Dameron, I'm with the resistance, Leia Organa, your mother, sent me to rescue you and your brother. Is he alive?" Poe asked. I begin to tear up. "He's the one who started all of this! And now he's gone. He killed everyone expect for me." He looked at her, very sympathetic. "I'm gonna get you out of here, your going to be okay." "Promise?" I ask. "Promise." He replied. He picked me up bridal style and brought me to the other ship that was there, full of resistance medics. "Take care of her!" Poe said as he placed me on a medical bed surrounded by medics just to help me. The main medic, as it looked as she had the most professional looking outfit. She nods to Poe then looks at me. "Okay princess it's gonna be alright, we're gonna help you. Everything will be okay." I nod, still traumatised by what happened not even an hour ago.

ALRIGHT FIRST CHAPTERR! Sorry it's so short I just wanted to have a short lil back story type thing. Anyways I hope you enjoy this story. Yall are gonna love the Addilyn and Poe friendship😂💀 Bye yall! New part soon.

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