ix. reunited again

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  Addilyn decided after Kylo left the room to take a nap to pass some time

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Addilyn decided after Kylo left the room to take a nap to pass some time. She knew that her mother would send someone to come save her. She woke up a couple hours later and heard a stormtrooper fiddle with his blaster. Her back was facing him so she couldn't see but she could hear and feel him.

She decided to do something she hasn't done in a long time. She knew if she didn't at least try, she would still be stuck to the table. Addy takes a long, deep breath. "You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." She spoke up nervously.

The stormtrooper turned his head to the table she was restrained to. He walked up infront of her. "I'll tighten those restraints." He scoffed.

Addilyn looked up at his mask and steadied her breathing. She relaxed herself before repeating what she said moments ago. "You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." She spoke calmly.

The stormtroopers body tensed up a bit after hearing what she had just said. "I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." He pressed a button on the data pad on the wall and the restraints were no longer holding her down.

Addilyn rubbed her wrist a bit as the stormtrooper left the room. "And you'll drop you're weapon!" She quickly said. "And I'll drop my weapon." He sighed out and Addilyn could hear his blaster hit the floor.

She quickly got up from the very uncomfortable table. She quickly ran over to the white and black blaster that was laying on the floor and picked it up. She looked over at the little table that was in the corner of her room. Her lightsabers. She set the blaster back down and ran to her sabers. She picked them up and put them on her belt before leaving the room.

The Millennium Falcon was now crashed onto the snowy planet where Star Killer Base was located. Finn, Chewie, Rey and Han were hiding behind a wall, coming up with a plan to get Addilyn out and deactivate the shields so that the Resistance could take it down.

"The flooding tunnels are over that ridge." Finn looked out at the base. "We'll get in that way." Han looked at Finn. "What was you're job here anyway."

"Sanitation." Finn mumbled. Han grabbed his arm and aggressively pulled Finn back to face him. Rey and Chewie were just as shocked and mad as Han was. "Sanitation?! Then how do you know how to disable the shields?!" He spoke up a bit, not as loud as a yell but enough to scare Finn.

"I don't!" Finn raised his voice a bit louder than Han's. He just wanted to find Addilyn. He was terrified. Finn knew she was somewhere on the base. He needed to find her. "I'm just here to find Addy." Han sighs, quite mad. He of course wanted to find Addy as well but still.

"People are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us!" Finn looked back at him. Solo we'll figure it out." And idea popped in Finns head. "We'll use the force!" "Thats not how the force works!" Han scoffed. She looked over at them and growled. Han scoffed and looked at him. "Oh really you're cold?!"

Finn looked back at the base and began heading to the tunnels. "Cmon!" The rest of the group followed.

"Hey you're not supposed to be-" The stormtrooper was short by Chewies bowcaster and flew against the wall. Finn lead the way and saw his old Captain. Phasma. Finn told Chewie to grab her so they could get her to disable the shields.

Chewie grabbed her and pulled her into the room where the shields could be deactivated. Chewie held her down in a chair. Finn stood up. "Remember me?" "FN-2187." She replied, zero emotion in her voice. "It's Finn now. And I'm in charge. I'm in charge!" Han looked over at him. "Calm down-" Finn nods. "Yeah sorry. Listen to us."

Finn got her to lower the shields. "You can't be so stupid to think this will work. My troopers will storm this block and kill you all." She stood up and looked down at him. Finn walked up to her. "I disagree." He looked back at Han. "What do we do with her?" Han smirked. "Got a garbage shoot?" Finn smirked back, knowing what Han was thinking. "Yeah there is."

Once they got rid of Phasma, finally, they began walking around looking for Addilyn. They stopped and began talking about a plan to get her. Finn looked at the door that they believe had more troopers behind it.

"We'll use the chargers to blow that blast door. I'll go in and draw fire but I need cover." Han looked back at Finn. There was a window behind them that showed more of inside the base. Han looked out it to see Addilyn hanging from a wall, hiding from troopers. He moved his head a bit to get Finn to shut up and look.

Finn stopped talking and gave him a confused look. He mocked his head movement. "What- What is this? Hmm?" Han used his blaster and slightly pointed to the window. Finn turned around and saw the girl he's been thinking about so much. His eyes widened. "Addilyn." He laughed a bit and began walking around, trying to see where she was.

Addilyn now was holding her lightsaber hilts in her hand. The saber wasn't ignited but she held the hilts just incase. She turned the corner and ran into what she thought was more troopers.

"Addilyn?" Addilyn looked up and saw Finn. She instantly began smiling. She put her sabers on her belt. "What are you doing here?" She looked back at the group. "We came back for you!" Finn whispered yelled.

Chewie growls and Addilyn smiled a bit more. Finn looked back at her confused. "What did he say?" "He said it was you're idea." She got closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Finn hugged back, resting his chin on her head since she was a bit shorter than him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she snuggled her head into his chest.

"Thank you." She told him and Finn smiled. "How'd you escape?" She sighed a bit. "It's a long story." Han walked back out up to the two. "Escape now. Hug later." He pats Addilyns shoulder and began walking away with Chewie and Rey.

Finn looked down at Addy as she pulled away from the hug but kept her body close to his. She looked up at his eyes, then his lips and back to his eyes. Finn got the idea and began leaning in and so did Addy.

"Hey! I said escape now!" Han yelled back, causing the two to quickly move away from each other. Addilyns cheeks were bright red as she began walking back with the group. Finn followed after her, pretty embarrassed aswell.

love that for them. anyways hope you enjoyed💙😌

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