ii. mission

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No Onss POV Resistance BasePresent Time

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No Onss POV
Resistance Base
Present Time

Addilyn wakes up to extremely loud knocking on her door. She groans and gets up out of bed to answer her door. Addy looks to see a Commander there that she has never met before. He cleared his throat before saying, "Your moth- I mean General Organa wishes to see you, immediately." You could tell he was very nervous. Addilyn nods, "Okay, thank you.. sir.." She closed the door, very glad that was all over, very awkward. She showered as fast as she could then changing into her Resistance jacket with some jeans and a basic, plain white tang top. When she joined the Resistance, her mother didn't give her a job. She didn't want her to get hurt. Every day Addilyn tried to prove to her mother that she is smart and strong enough to be a Resistance fighter. But, her mother did acknowledge it.
         Addilyn walks over to the control room where her mother, or General Organa was mostly at. She walks in to see her close friend, Poe Dameron, with her. They seemed very serious. She assumed that her mom just wanted to give her a chance to said goodbye to Poe before a mission or something like that. She would always make sure that her daughter had a chance to say goodbye to the only person she considered to be a friend. Yeah she talked to other people on the base, but they only talked to her since she was generals daughter. People would kiss up to Addy trying to get her to put a good work in for her mother. But Poe was never like that, he always cared for her. Addy never really caught feelings for him. She liked just having a friend there. Leia turns around to see her daughter, "Good, your here. I have very important news for you." "Is Poe going on some mission..?", she asked. "Yes, but your going with him.." Leia replies. Addilyn was very shocked. "Wh-what, why? You never allow me on missi-" her mom cut her off. "I've noticed how hard you've tried on attempting to show me that you can be a fighter.. and I wanna see if you can. But this mission is very important." Leia hasn't even told Addy what the mission was and she was still very ready and excited to go. "We found out who has the map to your uncle. Luke." Addilyn was very set back. She hasn't seen him ever since, well you know, the incident at the temple. "Addilyn, if you can't go we can send someone-" "No I can do this, I'll go." She told her mother very confident. She looks to Poe who was quite proud and gave her one of those dorky smirks he always does. Addilyn laughs and looks to her mother for permission to leave, her mother nods and Addilyn leaves the room to get ready for the mission.

Addilyns POV
Resistance Base
The day after

I woke up, remembering that it was the day. I was going to Jakku to see Lor San Tekka for the map. I got up, showered and got ready to go on this mission. Of course I was nervous, who wouldn't be. But, i'm pretty sure the First Order won't be there so it'll all be fine. I hope.
      I look over and Poe just walks in my room. "Hey Princess." He says. "Why do you always call me that?" I asked. "Cause technically you could be a princess. Since your mom was a princess and she your mOm, I guess it could pass down to you- I don't know." I couldn't help to laugh, his jokes never make sense. "You ready to go?", "Ya, lets get going." Poe nods, next thing I know, we're in the ship, flying to Jakku. BB-8 was with us too.

No Ones POV
Moments later

Addilyn and Poe land on Jakku. They head over to this hut like house where Lor San Tekka supposedly lived. Addy and Poe left BB-8 to keep watch, just incase. They walked inside to see an older man, sitting down. He looked up to see us there. "Leia sent you?" He asked. They nod. "Have a seat, I have what your looking for." They both sat down. He looked at us, "You must be Leia's daughter." "How could you tell?" Addy asked, "You have her eyes.. and you resemble her a lot." Addilyn smiled a bit. He grabbed a box that had a little bag in it, Poe and Addy obviously assumed it was the map. Poe put his hand out and Lor San put it in his hand, "This will begin to make things right" He said "I have traveled to far and had seen to much to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there would be no balance in the force." Poe looked at the map a bit before saying, "Well now because of you we have a chance. The Generals been after this for a long time."
Lor San looked a little confused. "The general? To me she is royalty." Poe chuckled a bit, "Well she certainly is that." Addilyn chuckles a bit too. All of a sudden BB-8 comes bursting in, beeping a lot. "We've got company." Poe tell them. They all ran outside to see who was there. Poe grabbed is binoculars to get a better look. "The First Order. You have to hide." He told Lor San. "You have to go! They'll be after the map." They both nod, "Thank you so much." Addilyn tells him. "No thank you."
      Poe, Addilyn and BB-8 go as fast as they can to the ship. They get in and start the engine, stormtroopers immediately notice and shoot at the ship. The ship suddenly turns off and they are unable to turn it on. They all get off. "You need to go Addilyn. You and Bb-8. I can't risk you getting hurt." Poe tells Addilyn. "No! Are you crazy, you'll die! I'm staying with you." She snatched the bag with the map in it from his hands. She took the map out and gives it to BB-8. "Take this and run far away. Well come back for you. I promise." She tells him. "We promise." Poe said. BB beeps sadly and leaves. Poe and Addilyn start shooting storm troopers with the blasters they brought. All of a sudden, another ship lands. The doors open and Kylo Ren walks our, along side other storm troopers.

Addilyns POV
Same Time

I'm in shock. So many emotions are running through me. I can't believe, it's really him. Someone I used to call my best friend, with the First Order. Poe looks over to see if i'm okay, I tried to hide all of the emotion. Then, Lor San is being dragged out by Troopers. They put him in front of Ren. I can't hear anything but next thing I know, Ren kills him. I wanted to scream, he didn't deserve that. Poe screams and shoots at Kylo. However, he stops it with the force and troopers walk over and take us to Ren. They kick the back of our knees so we kneel i front of Ren. I didn't dare to look at him, not after what he did to me.
     Kylo kneels in front of us. Silence. "So who talks first. You talk first, I talk first, she talks first." Poe said, I wanted to laugh but not the right moment. "The old man gave it to you." Kylo said. "It's just very hard to understand you with all the.." Ren cut Poe off, "Search him," He looked at me, I couldn't see his face but I knew it was a glare. "Her too." They aggressively searched us. "Nothing Sir." One of the troopers said. "Put them on board." Ren told them. They yanked us up and we walked towards the ship. A lady in a silver storm trooper outfit stepped up, "Sir, the villagers." She asked. "Kill them." He told her. I was so mad, he can't just kill them. "NO! BEN STOP!" I was trying so hard to break free, but it was too late. They were already firing. The storm troopers got so mad, one just punched me in the face, and I knocked out. The last thing I remember was Poe saying, 'Addy!!' Then I saw black.

OKAY YALL! I KNOW YOUR WAITING FOR FINN! But, I didn't want to just jump into a random part in the movie. I want to build up to it and let yall get to know addy. I swear, next chapter Finn will be in it. I promise. It'll be up tomorrow or sunday. Hope u don't get corona, bye!

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