viii. minds

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Starkiller base

  Addilyn woke up very uncomfortable

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Addilyn woke up very uncomfortable. "My dear sister finally returning." She heard the robotic voice speak. She looked over and saw what used to be her brother. Her best friend. But that all changed. He wasn't her brother nor her best friend. He was an enemy. He was Kylo Ren.

She knew damn well where she was. She was in this exact situation not to long ago. "Why am I here Ren?" She asked Kylo. "Your my guest." He reassured her.

"Where is everyone else?" She didn't waste anytime. She wanted to know where her friends were. She knew he wouldn't tell her but she had to try.

He didn't answer her question. Instead, he asked his own. "You still want to kill me.." He turned his head slightly. "It's hard not to when your being hunted by a creature in a mask." She turned her gaze to the wall.

Ren looks down at the glossy black tile below him. He placed his hands on the sides of his helmet. Addilyn heard a noise and turned her head to see Kylo taking his helmet off.

He takes it off. 'Wow.. he's grown a lot.' She thought to herself. But some features will the same. He still was very very tall and had dark hair.

He aggressively placed his helmet in a bin of what looked like ashes. Kylo walked to the side of the table she was strapped down to. She looked away from him. She couldn't bare to see his face after what he did to her and her family.

"Tell me about the droid." He demanded, but in a calm voice. His voice wasn't robotic anymore but he had zero emotion in his tone. She wasn't going to tell him. Kylo knew how to get her to talk. He moved his hand close to her face.

"Im not going to tell you." She said. "We'll see." He said in a whisper tone.

A second goes by and a rush of pain goes to her head. She grunts a bit. Addy knew exactly what he was doing. He was going to read her mind. The pain was the worst pain she's ever been through. But she remembered when she trained as a Jedi, Master Skywalker taught her something.

She quickly put up a mental barrier so he couldn't read it. He tried harder and harder to reach mind but he couldn't. She looked at him. Addilyn decided to read his mind.

"You. Your afraid.." She said, gaining more and more confidence as she speaked. She looked at him dead in the eye. "That you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader!" She said loudly, causing him to stumble back and stop reading her mind. And with that.. he left, leaving her alone.

𝙎𝙤𝙡𝙤: 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙣 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝘾 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮Where stories live. Discover now