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No ones POVMaz's CastleSame time

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No ones POV
Maz's Castle
Same time

ADDILYN, Finn, Han, Rey, and BB-8 excited the falcon. Chewie stayed cause he was hurt. "I've never seen so much green in all the galaxy." Rey said to Addilyn, who were standing in front of a lake, looking at the castle and the life surrounding it. Addilyn looked to Rey and smiled a bit, then looked back to the castle. "I haven't been here since I was 16, after the accident at the temple." Addilyn told Rey, not looking at her.

Rey turned her head to Addy, "Why did you come here after that and haven't been here since?" Addilyn looked to Rey, "My lightsabers, there was no way I could even look at them after the temple. So many bad memories, but so many good." "Are they still here?" Rey asked. "I don't know.." Addilyn said as she walked to Finn, who was a little away from Rey.

Addy didn't said anything, she just stood next to him and enjoyed the silence and the view of the castle... and him. A few minutes go by and they all start walking up to the castle. "Just do me a favour and don't stare at it.." Han told them. "Stare at what?" Finn asked. "Any of it."

They walked in to the castle and looked around, there was many different species and people. Very loud. Not even 10 seconds go by and all of a sudden, "ADDILYN AND HAN SOLO!" A voice screamed. Everything went silent. "Oh god." Han said, Addilyn just looked to Finn awkwardly. "Hi maz!" Han waved to her. All the noise resumed. Maz walked over to where the five were standing.

"Where's my boyfriend?" Maz asked. Addilyn chuckled slightly, remembering her and chewie. "Chewies working on the Falcon." Han told her. "I like that wookie." Maz replied. "I assume you need something. Desperately. Lets get to it."

Han began to explain why they needed to get the droid to the resistance, fast. "A map. To Skywalker himself?" She chuckled a bit. "Your right back in the mess!" "Maz.. I need you to get this droid to Leia." Han began. "Hmm.. No." Maz told him. Everyone looked to her, shocked. "You've been running away from this fight for to long. Han.." She then started to speak some Alien language. Then said, "Go home." Han looked up to her. "Leia doesn't want to see me." Addilyn stayed quiet to whole time.

"Please, we came here for your help." Finn told her, reminding her that they needed her help more than anything. "What fight?" Rey asked. "The only fight, against the dark side. Through the ages, i've seen evil in many forms. The Sith. The Empire. Today it's the First Order. There shadows spreading across the galaxy." Finn and Addy looked at each other, then back to Maz. "We must face them. Fight them. All of us."

Finn leaned a bit over the table to get closer to Maz. "There is no fight against the First Order. Not one we can win. Look around. There is no chance we haven't been recognised yet. I bet the first order is on there way right-" Maz started to mess with her glasses, this made her eyes look bigger. "What's this? What are you doing?" Maz began to crawl over the table to get closer to Finn, causing objects to spill of the table, some hitting BB-8s head.

"Solo, what is she doing?" Finn asked Han. "I don't know. But it ain't good." He replied. Maz finally started to talk. "If you live long enough, you start to see the same eyes on different people. I'm looking at the eyes of a man, who wants to run." Finn got a little mad and put his elbow on the table, getting face to face with her.

"You don't know a thing about me. Where I'm from, what i've seen. You don't know the First Order like I do. They'll slaughter us. We all, need to run." "Hmm." Maz said as she sat back down in her chair. Addilyn and Rey looked at each other, very confused on what in the galaxy just happened.

Max pointed to 2 alien like creatures. "You see those two?" She asked them. They all looked to where she was pointing. "They'll trade work for transportation to the Outer Rim. There you can disappear." Finn began to look convinced.

Addilyn looked at him, shocked that he would actually just leave her. "Finn!" He leaned over a bit towards her. "Come with me." Addilyn was shocked. "What about BB-8?" Rey asked. "We have to get him to your base Finn!" BB-8 chirped a bit and looked down. "I can't." Finn said as he left. Addilyn followed him.

"Finn!" She said loudly behind him, he didn't turn back. "FINN!" She yelled. He stopped dead in his tracks and faced her. "I'm sorry Addilyn. Get BB-8 back to your base, I can't go. Sorry." And with that, he left to the two aliens that would take him to the Outer Rim. Addilyns eyes filled with tears, she quickly wiped them away.

She all of a sudden felt a small hand on her arm. She turned around to see Maz. "I have something for you. Come now child." She told her and began walking to a stair case. Once they reached the bottom, there was a room filled with stuff. Maz walked in and grabbed a small box. "If you are going to fight this war and take the droid back to the base. Your going to need these." Addilyn looked to Maz, then to the box. She opened it, shocked at what she saw.

Her lightsabers. "Y-you kept them.." Addilyn began. "Of course I did dear child. I knew you would come back one day and need them." Addilyn caredully picked them up, igniting them to see two green blades. "Wow.. it's been forever." Addilyn looked at them, remembering all the time's she beat Ben at duels that they would do at the temple with these. "Thank you Maz.." Addilyn told her, a sad smile on her face. Maz nodded. Addy un ignited the sabers and put them on her belt.

Addilyn walked outside to get some fresh air. A lot just happened in the past five minutes. A few minutes go by and Rey runs outside, BB-8 close behind. Addys eyes shot up as she ran after Rey. "Rey! Wait!" Once they were in the forest, Rey stoped for air. Addilyn got to where Rey and BB-8 were. "Why are you running away?" She asked Rey. "I can't stay."

Tie fighters start flying by.

"The first order..." Addy began. "Rey you need to go with BB-8 now!" Rey shook her head. "What no! I'm not leaving you." "He's looking for you and BB-8, i'm not letting you die nor Bb-8. Go, I'll be okay." Addilyn begged her. Rey looked down to BB-8 then up to Addy and finally nodded. "Be safe." Addilyn nodded and once Rey was out of site, she began to walk into the forest again. A few seconds go by and she heard a lightsaber ignite.


Addilyn immediately ignited to lightsabers and put them in front of her, blocking her in case he was going to hit her. He began to swing his saber at her, she blocked every strike. She was about to swing at him but he used to force to stop her dead in her tracks. He used to force to deactivate her sabers. He walked over to her and the last thing she saw was black.

Kylo carried her bridal style back to his ship.

Finn turned and saw him carrying her. "No!" He ran towards Ren's ship. "No! No! NOOO! ADDILYN!!" But he was too late, she was gone.

Cliff hangerrrr! I promise we'll see the resistance next chapter and more of Addy and her sabers ;)))

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