xii. i love you finn

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 Days go by

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Days go by... The Resistance had now had the complete map that lead to Luke Skywalker. General Organa, Addilyns mother had decided it would be best for Addilyn to go and bring Luke home. Addilyn, despite how excited she was to see Luke again... She didn't want to leave Finn. Yeah he had Poe and Rey, but not her.

Addy was in the medical bay, in a private room where Finn was. Finn was still in a coma. Addy felt like it was her fault. It was the day she would leave to find Luke. She was devastated that she would leave his side.

Addilyn reached for Finns hand and held it tightly. She was all alone with him so she knew she could say anything. She sighed and looked at Finns asleep body. "Finn.. I know you can't hear me, so this is why I want to tell you this now... I love you. I love you so much and I know this was all my fault. I'm so sorry Finn." She said, tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't expect a response so she loosened her grip on his hand.

A moment goes by and she feels something squeezing her hand. She quickly looked back at him and saw Finn waking up, looking back at her. Tears of joy were now rolling down her cheeks. She stood up and hugged Finn. "You're okay!" She smiled and sniffled.

Finn pats her back. "I'm okay.." He pulled away from the hug. He kept his face close to Addilyn. "Addy..." He wiped her tears with his thumb. "I heard what you said.."

Addilyn tensed up. "God I'm so sorry. That was so weird and I get if you don't-" She was cut off by Finn's lips on hers. She was frozen for a moment before melting into the kiss. She kissed him back gently before pulling away.

"I love you too." Finn smiled and held her hands. She smiled and squeezed his hands. "You do?" She asked him. Finn nods. "I do."

A bit goes by of them just talking. She quickly remembered she had to leave soon. "Finn.. I have to leave soon. They found the rest of the map to Luke and I'm being sent to bring him back." Finns smile quickly turned into a frown. "Can I get dressed then we can say goodbye at the Falcon?" Addy nods. "Meet me there in 10 minutes."

10 minutes go by and Addys waiting for Finn at the falcon. Leia walked up to her daughter. "My princess.." She said. Addy looked at her mom and hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you mom... There's so much I want to do with you. Things I want to say." Leia moved her hand to the back of her head. "We can do it when you get back.." She pulled away and kissed her cheek. "Plus, theres a special someone who wants to say goodbye."

Poe walked up to her. "And before that special someone gets here.. I want to say goodbye." Addy chuckled and hugged him. Poe held her close and tightly. "Please be safe Ad's." He spoke softly. "I will Poe.. I promise."

Poe pulled away from the hug and stepped away. Addy looked forward and saw Finn walking up to her. Addy ran up to him and ran into his arms.

Finn chuckled and held her close to him. Addy wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled her head into his chest. Finn ran his fingers through her hair gently. "I-" He sighed and looked down at her.

Addy looked up at him, feeling a few eyes on them, mostly from Poe and Leia. Addy got on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against Finns. Finn gladly kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

They kissed for around 15 seconds before pulling away. Finn pressed his forehead against Addys. Addy reached for his hand and held them, her forehead still against his. "I love you Finn..." She said softly. "I love you too Addy.. Please be safe." He looked at her.

Addilyn nods and stepped away from his arms. "I'll be back soon Finn.. I promise." She waved goodbye and so did Finn. She stepped onto the ship and ran to the cockpit.

She looked at Chewie. "Ready?" Chewie growls and nods. They began taking off to Ahch-To, where Luke was hiding. The Resistance watched and cheered as they took off. Finn walked and waved as they left.

"I'll see you soon.." He mumbled.


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