v. familiar faces

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No ones POVMillennium FalconSame time

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No ones POV
Millennium Falcon
Same time

     "Addilyn get up here and Co-Pilot!" Rey yelled for Addilyn who was still looking around the falcon.

Flash Back

      "Ben get back here now!" Addilyn yelled to her brother, who was running around with her stuffed wookie toy. "Come and catch me Addilyn!" He yelled back. They were running around the falcon. Addilyn and Ben were only 8, but they loved the Falcon. The 2 siblings spent most of their time in there.

      Addilyn finally gave up to catch her breath after 5 minutes of chasing after Ben who she knew she wouldn't catch. Ben walked up to her and looked down at her and smirked. "I won.." He smiled. She looked up at him and snatched the stuffed wookie. Addy stuck her tounge out at him.
    "Butt head." She said. Ben gasped sarcastically. "Loser." He replied. "Scruffy looking Nerf-herder!" She yelled back. He gasped again. "Stop copying mom!!" He yelled at me and tried to take the stuffed wookie back. "Daddd! Mom!! Bens being mean again!" The girl yelled to her parents. "No i'm not! She's lying!" Ben yelled in defence.

     "I'll give you 5 credits to not say anything." He told her, begging her to not tell their parents. He put his hand out for her to shake. "Deal?" She rolled her eyes and shook his hand, "Whatever fine. But don't touch my wookie!"

  Flashback over
On the Falcon
Same time

Addilyn ran up to the cockpit and jumped into the co-pilot seat next to Rey. They took off trying to escape from the troopers. All of a sudden..

    The ship shook. Tie Fighters! "Are you gonna shoot back there or what?!" Rey yelled to Finn. They flew into a abandoned Star Destroyer to chase off the Ties. Finn shot them down and they took off out of Jakku. Addilyn the ship in auto-pilot.

    Addilyn ran into the middle part of ship. Rey stayed in the cockpit and looked around a bit. "Nice Flying." Finn said to Addy. "Nice shooting!"

   Rey ran in. "You too." Finn says to Rey. "Thanks." She said. Addilyn got a little jealous but tried to shake it off. "How did you guys do that?!" He asked. "Well my dad is Ha-" Rey cut Addilyn off. "I don't know! I flew ships before but never left the planet." Addilyn just looked down, Rey annoyed her a bit. "What?!" He asked. "Your long shot was dead on!" Rey told him. Addilyn just left them be and walked off to look around the ship some more. All of sudden she heard beeps, not BB-8s beeps though.

   "Addilyn! Help me with this! A pipe busted!" Rey yelled frantically. Addilyn ran in and jumped down into the pit thing to help her fix this. "The motivator!" Addilyn said when she saw what happened. "Finn grab a Harris wrench!" Rey told him. He moved over and grabbed one and handed it to her. "How bad is it?!" Rey sighed "If we want to live not good!" She told him. Addilyn was trying helping her fix it but Rey kept doing everything herself so Addilyn just climbed out and sat next to Finn.

   "We need to get out of this system!" Finn said. "Bb-8 said the location of the secret base is need to know so if you want me to take you there I need to know!" Rey replied. Finn gave her another part. "This?!" She nodded and took it.

  Finn called Bb-8 over to us. "Okay between us 3.. i'm not with the Resistance." He whispered. Bb-8 scooted back, Addilyn gave him a reassuring look. "You gotta tell me where your guys base is!" He whispered yelled. Rey popped her head up. "So. Where's your base?" She asked. "Go on Bb-8 tell her."  Finn said. bb-8 looked to Rey, then to Finn, then to Me then to Finn and looked back a Rey and Finn again. "Please." He mouthed. Bb-8 turned to Rey and beeped a little. "The Illenium system?!"  She asked. "Yeah Yeah the Illenium system get us there as fast as you can!" Finn gave him a thumbs up and Bb-8 got out a little lighter to make a thumbs up.

  Rey finished fixing the motivator and got out of the pit. All of a sudden we felt the ship getting pulled. "Crap." I said. Finn got up and went to see what it is with Rey. They came back, "It's the first order."
    "You fixed the motivator right?!" Addilyn asked. Rey nodded "Yes why?" "Can you unfix it?" Addilyn asked her. Rey took a second to understand why she was asking then it clicked in her head and nodded.

    Rey and Addilyn got down in the pit and Finn picked up Bb-8 to give to Addy. "Woah your heavy!" He said. They all got down and Rey started to unfix it. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Addilyn asked Finn. "Yes, troopers mask filter out gas not toxins." She nods and they put masks on so they can still breath. All of a sudden they heard the door open and went silent.

   "Chewie... were home." A voice said, one Addilyn knew immediately.

Addilyns POV
Millennium Falcon
Same time

"Dad?!" I said. Rey and Finn looked at me confused. "Dad?" They said in unison. I moved the thing and got out. My dad, Han freaking Solo and his best friend, Chewbacca. "Dad! Chewie!" I yelled and hugged Chewie. "I missed you Chewie!" She turned to her dad. "Dad!" I ran up to him and have him a big hug. "Hey kid. I missed you." He said. Rey and Finn got out. "Han Solo?" Rey asked. "Solo.." Finn said. "Your his daughter?!" He asked. "Yeah.." I said  standing next to Chewie.

    My dad, Han, gave a good look at Finn and they all talked. Then him and I went to the cockpit to look around. "So, who's the guy?" He asked me. I playfully rolled my eyes. "He's just a friend." I said. Han smirked a bit. "He doesn't look at you like he's just your friend. Neither do you." A blush came across my face. "Cmon you like each other." He said to me. I looked down. "He doesn't like me back." I said, killing the mood a bit. My dad come over to me and looked at me. "Cmon Addilyn, you don't know that. He likes you, I can tell. You know..." He sat in the pilots seat facing the co-pilots seat. Oh god, another story. I sat in the Co-pilot seat and faced him.

  "Your mom and I.. I'm pretty sure she didn't like me at first. But i won her over. You never know if he likes you or not. Shoot your shot kid." He told me. I smiled and nodded. "It's nice having you back." I told him. "I've missed you." He smiled. "I've missed you too kid."

AND THATS THE END! sorry it's kinda short but yeah. anyways hoped you enjoyed!  And tysm for 100 reads! <3
1139 Words

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