iv. the scavenger

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No ones POV Jakku  After the crash

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No ones POV
  After the crash

Finn wakes up, moving frantically in the sand. "Poe? Addy..?" Once he saw they weren't they he began to panic. Finn looked around to see Addilyn laying in the sand, passed out. He got up and ran over to her as fast as he could. "Addilyn! Wake up! Addy!" He shook her, attempting to wake her up.

Addilyns POV
  After the crash

I wake up to see Finn shaking me a little aggressive. I was so relived to see him, I thought I died. "Oh Addy!" He pulled me into a hug, very relived to see me. I hugged back, putting my head on his chest. "Boom!" Finn and I shot up and looked around us to see the crashed Tie fighter in the sand. It caught on fire. I ran over there, Finn close behind. "POE?! POE!" We both, very scared, screamed for Poe, praying he didn't die. After a few seconds, the Tie Fighter started to sink into the sand. Quick sand. Finn looked at the ground and saw a jacket. It was Poes. He picked it up and gave it to me. I held it close to me. I couldn't help but shed some tears, I lost my best friend. The Resistance lost the best pilot and commander they have. Finn looked at me, "I-I'm sorry." I looked back up to him, cheeks stained from tears. "It's not your fault." I stood up and we began to look for water.
After a little bit, I looked at finn and saw he began to take off the white part of his Trooper armour. "Here. Poe would of wanted you to have this." I held Poe's jacket out to him. "Addy, I cant take it. He was your best friend." He told me. I shook my head. "I'm not just gonna let you walk around is just all black. Not gonna lie, it would look weird. Just take the jacket." He looked at the jacket, back to me, then the jacket, and back to me. He nodded slightly. He put it on. "It suits you." I smiled. He smiled back. I looked behind him to see a small town. I hit him slightly on the chest. "Finn..." I pointed to the town, He looked behind him then looked back to me, very excited. "Water." We said in unison. We both RAN down there, asking everyone we saw where water was. Everyone replied in some weird language. No humans. I then see Finn. Waving me over. He found water. There was a huge creature drinking it too but I didn't care, it was something.
I ran over to him and we both began to drink it. It. Was. Disgusting. But we had to drink something so we drank a bit of it. Not getting dehydrated today.
After a few seconds of drinking the animal knocked Finn over. I couldn't help but laugh. Then I heard something. Sounded like a droid. Then I remembered. "BB-8.." I thought out loud. Finn looked to me, very confused. "Oh... sorry. It's Poe'a droid. I forgot he was here." I heard the beeps get louder. I turned around to see a girl, looks like a scavenger, fighting off these guys. They were taking something. Don't know what. Me and Finn watched. Then I saw her take the net off of something. I stood up to get a better look. BB-8.
"BB-8!" I ran over to him. But before I got there, the girl knocked me down with her staff. The hell- "Who are you?!" She asked, in an accent In not aware of. I moved her staff out of my face. "Get that long stick out of my face before I hit you in the head with it." I told her, quite annoyed. "Who are you?" She repeated. "Addilyn Solo. And who are you?" I asked. "I'm Rey. How do you know this droid?" She asked. I shook my head, "I could say the same thing." I turned around to see Finn was behind me. "Beep Beep" BB-8 chirped, wasn't happy. It was angry. He said, 'Who is this man? Is that Poe'a jacket? Did he kill him?' looked to him then looked at Rey, She was ready to attack. I took her staff from her. "He's with me." Rey looked at me confused, I handed her staff back. "Sorry." I looked to BB-8. I knelt down so I could be closer to his level. "Beep Beep?" He beeped, saying 'Where's Poe?' I sighed and looked down, fighting back the tears. "I'm sorry buddy.. He didn't make it." BB-8 beeped sadly. I pat his head. I stood up. "Who are you guys?" Rey asked once again. "Like I said, I'm Addilyn, and this is Finn. I'm with the Resistance and he's-" Finn cut me off. "We're both with the Resistance." Why was he lying? Does he like her? "I've never met Resistance fighters before." She smiled.
We all heard someone yelling. "It's the droid!" We all looked over to see Troopers coming to us, and we heard fighters. Finn grabbed our hands, and started running. "Let go of my hand!" Rey yelped. Rey got in front of us, "Follow me to the ship! It's over there." It was far away. "Why can't we fly that ship." Finn pointed to a ship closer to us. I looked over to see what ship it was, oh boy was I surprised. "That ships garbage!" She yelled back at him. "THAT SHIP IS NOT GARBAGE." I yelled back.
All of a sudden, the ship we were going to take, exploded. We all stopped. "The garbage will do!" Rey said. We began to run towards the other ship. "NOT GARBAGE." We ran on the ship, I breathed in. Good old Millennium Falcon.

Word count: 1000
Ok we ending off here, next chapter will be them fighting off some Ties and meeting a few special someone's. Anyways, bye crackys 😗✌️

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