Chapter 20 - My Happy Place

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Hey guys!


You won't understand it.


Thanks ;-)


I had Kyle sleepover at my house that night.

Luckily, we didn't have anymore nightmares.

The next morning I woke up and Kyle was gone.


I got out of bed and found him lying on the floor.

I smiled, "He must have rolled out of bed."

I went to the bathroom and started a  bath.

As I got undressed I thought about all the things that happened this past month.

I can't believe how much my life has changed in that short period of time.

I stepped into the water and winced.

It was burning hot.

But thats how I like it.

I sat low in the water and sighed.

I love taking baths.

I closed my eyes and I thought of my happy place.

A cliffside with paper flowers growing everywhere. Candy clouds floating through the soft, purple sky.

I often imagine myself lying in the soft grass, staring up at the sun that was dim enough so that you could look at it without hurting your eyes.

I sat there in my imaginary world, without a care in the world.

I heard the bathroom door open, pulling me from my imaginary scene.

And back to reality.

"Well, this is a sight for sore eyes."

My eyes shot open and I saw Kyle standing over me smirking.

"You jerk! Get the fuck out!"

I threw a shampoo bottle at him, but he dodged it.

I threw a conditioner bottle, but he caught it.

"This is fun," he laughed at my reaction.


Finally I threw a bar of soap at him and it hit him forehead.

He laughed even harder when it fell to the floor.

I pulled the shower curtain around me so that he could only see me head.

"Get out, Kyle!"

"O-okay, okay!" He said between laughs.

He walked out and closed the door behind him.

I sunk back down into the water.

I went back to my imaginary world.

A light breeze blew my hair around my face and shoulders.

The air smelled like mint.

I loved it here.

Then a knock came on the bathroom door.

"Jess, you okay in there?" Kyle's voice sounded concerned.

"Yea, why?"

"You've been in there for two hours. Did you fall asleep or something?"

I thought about this.

I've been daydreaming for two hours.

It felt like minutes.

But, hey. That's what happens when I'm in my happy place.

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