chapter 2

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Maya's Pov:

"Hey grandpa! Where's uncle josh?" Riley asked her grandpa.

"He should be here any minute"

Just as he said that the most amazing boy walked in. He was way cuter than any boy I've ever seen!

"Boy!" I said pointing to the handsome boy.

"That's my uncle, Maya" Riley said

"Sweet, I'd be your aunt!"

"Joshie!" Auggie yelled running up to the boy

"Auggie!" The boy yelled picking up auggie.

"Uncle josh" Riley said hugging josh.

Wow, that's what josh looks like now? I bet he has tons of girlfriends.

"Riley" josh said hugging her back

"Uncle josh!" I said hugging josh too

"Umm, I'm not your uncle Maya"

"Even better" I said as Riley pulled me away

"Its....its been a while" josh said stuttering. Aww, he's so cute.

"Sure has" I said

"Well.....boy, you grew up gorgeous" josh said walking into Riley's kitchen as I blushed so hard my cheeks probably looked like big red apples.

"You are not going to be my aunt" Riley said with her hands around her hips.

"I can't her you, ah-da-da-da-da-da-duh" I sang sitting on her table.

Josh's Pov:

Maya is gorgeous! I can't believe the little 5 year old I once new grew up to be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!

Just the way her eyes sparkle in the light, or how her smile can brighten up anyone's day. She just perfect!

"Dinner everyone!" Topanga yelled putting the food on the table.

"So Maya, what have you been up to since the last time I saw you?"

"Well......the last time I saw you my parents were their not" she said looking down.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"Its ok, he was never really a good dad anyway"

It was really quite after she said that.

"But! You should tell him that your an artist!" Riley said breaking the silence.

"You are?" I asked impressed

"Well, I'm not really an artist, but I do like to draw"

"Oh come on! Your amazing Maya!!!" Riley said proud of Maya. "Like that picture I asked you to draw of Lucas was amazing!!!"

"Who's Lucas?" I asked getting a little jealous.

"He's a friend of ours" Maya said taking a sip of her water.

"Wow, you called Lucas your friend!" Riley said sounding impressed.

"Why wouldn't she call him her friend" I asked

"Because their more like frienemies" Riley said. "They always make fun of each other, like Maya would call Lucas 'cowboy', or 'ranger rick', or my favorite 'bucky mcboing boing'" Riley said laughing.

Wow, Maya and Lucas seem to have a thing for each other.

"I'd like to meet this Lucas one day"

"Really! Good! Because I invited him over!" Riley said excited

"You invited huckleberry?" Maya asked.


"Yup! He should be coming soon!"

"Oh........great" Maya said sounding not that excited.

I really want to see this Lucas guy for my self and see if Maya really has a thing for him.

Riley's Pov:

Its pretty funny how josh was getting jealous when we were talking about Lucas.

I think he likes Maya. I mean he did call her gorgeous. Although it would be really weird having Maya as my aunt.

But if they like each other, then I don't really care.

Maya's Pov:

Lucas came over about an hour after we had the talk about him. Josh seemed to be getting a little annoyed by him.

"So, your Lucas" josh said scanning him up and down.

"That's what my parents named me" lucas said trying to be funny but it didn't work. "And you are?"

"Riley's uncle"

"Wow, your really young" Lucas said

"I'm 16 and how old are you" josh asked


"Aww, your so young. I bet all the girls at school love you" josh said

"And I bet you've had sex with so many girls you lost count" Lucas said offending josh

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Oh nothing, just that you don't look like a virgin"

"Lucas! Shut up." I said standing in between them.

"No its fine Maya, I shouldn't have made this little cowboy upset" josh said backing away from Lucas.

"All right boys I think you should stay away from each other for now on" Riley said pulling josh upstairs.

"Why?" I asked Lucas getting upset.

"Why what?" Lucas asked like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"What's your problem with josh" I asked getting pissed

"Nothing, he just upseted me" Lucas said as i pulled him into the hallway of Riley's aparment.

"You had no right to talk to him like that!" I yelled at Lucas

"Jeez! Why are you getting so defensive!" Lucas asked bow yelling at me.

"Because this is his first time back to new York and I know Riley wanted to make this day special for him but you had to ruin it!"

"Stop yelling at me! You could of just told me you liked him and I would've backed off!" Lucas yelled getting closer to me.

"I don't like him." I said quietly

"Oh! Come on! Of course you do! I can see it! The way you look at him, the way your eyes light up when he talks to know you're right, you don't like him. Your in love with him!"

"And why do you care!"

"Because I like you! Not as Much as Riley but I like you." Lucas said backing away from me.

"I'm sorry Lucas."

"No, its ok, I know you don't like me and I'm ok with that. I just..... I will always look out for you."

"You know, he's not that bad" I said starting to walk into Riley's house.

"Yeah, yeah, what ever you say" Lucas said leaving.

I can't believe Lucas likes me.... And he barley desides to tell me.

But he's right, I am in love with josh.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!!!

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