Another one fell through- Part 1

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It was basically just like everything else. The same old, tired, worn-out plot that was being abused over and over again, beaten, milked until nothing but the tears and vomit of the readers would come out.

The same old, tragic story about transmigration.

Xxchanxx1234 - 8.17 pm

All the same, all the same, every damn book of his, it's all the fcking same! I shit you not if I've to read his lowly skills of writing transmigration one more time, I'll catch the next flight and shove my damn prosthetic leg down that shit horse of an author! You want to tell me this person, writing this bullshit that is apparently a novel, is one? -1000 out of 10 if I could give! If you want to write the same topic over and over again then ffs go and be good at it! Your elementary school teacher would smear all of our bloody tears over her eyes if she could see how she taught you to write! Go and fck yourself, author!

Frozen Milk scrolled down and was hit with a million more reviews of blackened fans that hated him, his story, his sole existence and everyone that was ever in contact with him, brought him up, taught him and just allowed him to live until today.

Yet, Frozen Milk still dominated the web novel rankings with a dashing and golden #1, slapping each and every hater into oblivion until they would mysteriously gain 10 times the strength in the black void of hate, unite, come back and stuff down more of their hateful and figurative images of him dying, literally, down his throat, so he could finally cough up some good content. Good content with a good ending.

Yes, that was the cue.

Frozen Milk was a transmigration writer, meaning the only thing he would ever write were stories about how a poor author transmigrated into his own story and had to survive. Over and over again.

It was fun and interesting, a new daring concept the first time but after abusing the publish button a little bit too much with basically the same plot and characters just wrapped in a new setting, the readers slowly caught on.

Their screams against this injustice of Frozen Milk handling them like little, stupid, absurd children who were so blind they would not realise they were being fooled, was literally shaking the gods in the heavens.

What was Frozen Milk thinking? 20 books and they were all about transmigration! And to top it off- they all had bad endings, shitty endings, so twisted and crappy it proceeded to be not even a thorn, not even an iron cucumber, no not even a dick but a full-fledged 100 times the size of an Armageddon rocket in people's eyes.

Frozen Milk was truly a legend across all web novel platforms, dominating the heated divide between readers. All attention on him while other authors could only dream of his success. This kind of love and hate relationship with his fans, the masochism in the readers who'd complain, hate, complain and hate, yet always come back to his stories to write that review, to hit that notification button, to be faster than lightning, to fulfil their needy nature of painful satisfaction.

Frozen Milk was truly a legend, a legend of all legends existing, no one could even compare to him, no one could ever hope to glimpse at this dazzling writer who was like a god in heaven- unattainable, amongst all the sprouts and weeds of new authors that pop up and grow faster than pubic hair cut off daily.

Who else than him could churn out 10 000 words a day, the next day, the following day and still have the energy to do so for the rest of the year?

All perseverance, extreme tenacity paid off for him, worshipped and praised by everyone...

If only, if only his character wasn't that shitty! A true scum, a scum among scum!

If the readers were to know he actually enjoyed, no- made it his nightly entertainment show, beating all the guilty pleasures and crap shows online and on TV to have his share of entertainment by reading the hate comments, by messing with the readers, then they would all cut him open, stab themselves, pry open their skins and drown him in his own and fellow sufferers' blood.

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