How would you like to die? From embarrassment or brutal torture?

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Ear defying. Earth-shattering and mind-blowing were the shouts and the air trembled, being nothing but a wave transporter for the voices to reach the whole world.

Frozen Milk was astonished. He, Glimpse Water and Holbe managed to sneak into the arena where the competition took place.

It was a large, oval stadium, exactly like those in the Gladiator films Frozen Milk used to binge-watch because well, he loved to see people suffer.

However, this wasn't the thing which rendered him speechless but the fact this existed without his knowledge.

"Frozen Milk is something wrong?" Holbe sat next to him with her face covered in order not to draw attention while Glimpse Water sulking sat next to Holbe, away from him. He lost at rock, scissor and paper.

"I don't see Prota..." all the participants were lined up, yet Prota was missing.

"Your disciple didn't get here in time or wasn't selected?"

That couldn't be. The protagonist wasn't selected? Who would dare, under heaven's watch, not to fall before Prota's strength, to refuse him, to reject the fact he was the strongest being to ever exist? Who?

"Who cares. Why ain't I sitting next to father?"

"Because I have to... do things to him."

Frozen Milk and Glimpse Water turned to Holbe. You what?

"Help him, I misspoke," Holbe showed no signs of emotion on her face.

"Help him what? I can help him! It's to relief him, ain't it? Don't worry father, my hands- "

Frozen Milk took off the shoe of the random stranger next to him and threw it at Glimpse Water's face.

"You brat! What fucking nonsense is your pea-sized brain constantly producing?" Frozen Milk actually hovered over Glimpse Water and bored the shoe in his face.

"You want to use your hand? Use your bloody hand to rip out your dick and shove it into your head because it seems like your dick's already doing all the thinking!"

The surrounding people watched how Frozen Milk abused Glimpse Water as if the poor guy was a doormat waiting to be stepped on again and again.

Then Frozen Milk locked eyes with Holbe, however contrary to his expectation she indifferently said,

"Go on. He deserves it."

If even the Holiness has given you up, boy there's no more saving for you!

"Father, it hurts! Please stop! If... if you really like this so much, we can do this yknow... in the bedroom..."

Frozen Milk took a sharp breath.



"Daddy what are they talking about?" a little girl, the row before Frozen Milk hugged her father.

"Shh, don't listen to them. You always see disgusting lunatics like them."

Whispers flew around and formed a chain of nasty rumours defiling innocent kids who came here to see bloody and violent fights.

"Fuck!" Frozen Milk cursed, "You two stay here. I'll go see if I can find Prota."

"Fa-" the shoe was rubbed in Glimpse Water's face again.

"Shut. Up. You disappointing disgrace of a son," Frozen Milk hissed and actual tears formed in Glimpse Water's eyes.

Why the fuck are you crying?

Shameless Transmigration: I turned everyone on!Where stories live. Discover now