Why is my M- I mean FL so unwilling?- Epilogue 2

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"Rich host is amazing!" the system praised, then a new screen appeared in Mr A's vision, "Right, host's last mission is: Realise the ultimate dream."

"Ultimate dream?" Mr A didn't understand. He had done so much but none of the missions he had until yet were as vague as this.

"Right host, what's your dream."



No wait, Mr A had to think about it clearly. What was the thing he wanted the most in his life? He had basically everything, literally everything any human could possibly wish for except-


Ding. Mr A finally knew it.

"Frozen Milk."

"Exactly! System is helping you. Ultimate dream mission is to make Frozen Milk your FL!"

Mr A's eyes shone at this. This was the mission he was waiting for. Finally. Finally, he could meet Frozen Milk!

"Let me go to him immediately!"

"Yes, right host. Would you like to spend 300k gold on an airship?"


A while later, Mr A boarded his own private airship bringing him to the neutral island.


Frozen Milk was eating dinner peacefully with everyone. Prota, Vil, Holbe, Glimpse Water and Bro were all exceptionally tame and obedient. Frozen Milk enjoyed the peace and cultivated conversations.

"Frozen Milk you eat beautifully," Prota elegantly cut his meat as he proudly sat next to Frozen Milk.

"Thank you, you too," Frozen Milk returned the pleasant flattery.

"Vil, you're so cultivated," Holbe praised Vil.

"Thank you, you too," Vil nodded.

"Bro, your skills are unequalled!" Glimpse Water watched how magically Bro poured the drinks.

"Thank you, you too," Bro smiled.

Ah yes, this was wonderful. Frozen Milk enjoyed the peaceful moment when he suddenly realised something was wrong! There was something totally weird about this! And what was?

Everything about this setting was wrong! What the fuck was this? Why the fuck were they playing a nice and rich family for like in those stupid romance stories?

Who wrote this bullshit? Who?

"Host this is what you wanted."

"You mechanical shit did this, didn't you?" whenever there was something weird Frozen Milk blamed it on his poor system.

"Host is wronging system. System feels host doesn't appreciate system enough," the system actually sounded sad but in truth, the system could feel the little system.

How great that was. The system was giggling to itself. Another underling the system could pick on and enslave. The system evilly grinned at Glimpse Water's system. Glimpse Water's system felt the chill running down its spine and hid itself behind Glimpse Water's peanut brain as much as it could.

Then the merry peace was destroyed by the doorbell. Prota and everyone lightly gripped their cutlery and pursued their lips.

"Father," Glimpse Water spoke up, "Did you go and seduce someone else, ain't it? Ain't that right?"

Frozen Milk perplexed stared at his distressed characters, he had no idea what they were talking about.

"Sit here, I'll go," Frozen Milk thought he should but his characters tried to stop him.

"Stop it guys! The fuck is wrong with you? Be good and sit!" and on the chairs they glued their asses, hatefully looking into the direction of the entrance.

They shouldn't feel like this but a bad premonition, their 6th sense opened up and told them trouble was coming. Another parasite was going to enter everyone's lives. How hateful. They had to endure another rival again.

Frozen Milk, cluelessly, walked to the door and opened it. A gust of strong manly overbearingness overcame Frozen Milk and almost brought him to his knees but instead it was the handsome stranger who fell and dramatically looked up at Frozen Milk, "Oh my, I fell~"

However, against his expectations, Frozen Milk banged the door shut and walked away.

Mr A was stunned. The deadly weapon of the vulnerable FL didn't work on Frozen Milk? Shouldn't Frozen Milk take Mr A into his arms and carry him to bed? Wait! Wait! Something was wrong with the script!

Didn't this happen too often? C'mon just get rid of the writer already for fuck's sake!

Instead of Frozen Milk, the cold door was trying to soothe Mr A's broken and lonely heart.

"Rich host... shouldn't you be the ML?"

"Oh, right," Mr A collected his wits.

The moment he saw the tender beauty of Frozen Milk, Mr A couldn't help but fall before his lifeline. Frozen Milk. His favourite author! This stalker finally met his victim in real flesh and blood!

Mr A couldn't contain himself and wanted to use the strongest card an FL had but it didn't work! Right, then Mr A realised why and he calmed himself a bit.

Mr A was the ML, not Frozen Milk! This was the problem. Indeed. This was the only explanation that could mend Mr A's wounds from the brief meeting with Frozen Milk.

Mr A pressed the bell again. A second later Frozen Milk appeared.

"You again?" Frozen Milk narrowed his eyes and Mr A trembled. His godly favourite author's voice. Mr A could barely contain himself.

Meanwhile, Frozen Milk scowled. Fuck another M? Who the fuck is this?

"Host doesn't know? Host personally wished for him," the system snickered.

"What?" Frozen Milk didn't understand and couldn't ask as Mr A cleared his throat and his sharp eagle eyes put Frozen Milk into a daze.

Yes, Mr A was a powerful CEO who attracted the white lotuses and green tea b*tches like flies to poop.

"Frozen Milk," his deep voice was intimidating as Vil's, "I've come as you wanted."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Kuah!" Mr A dramatically fell to his knees and stood on all fours. This was a blow to Mr A's fan heart. H-How could Frozen Milk not know who he was?

What was this blasphemy? Just what kind of cruel game was Frozen Milk playing?

Mr A actually started crying. A grown man in a business suit was crying.

Ah, then Mr A realised something again. Could it be that Frozen Milk was playing hard to get? Was Frozen Milk this kind of FL? That was also fine for Mr A!

"Who the fuck is this clown?" Frozen Milk asked his system.

"Your most beloved rival who transmigrated per your wish, host," the system was having a wonderful time. It captured Frozen Milk's expression a 10000 times per second and would replay it for an eternity.

"Mr Ambassador?"

Frozen Milk couldn't believe his eyes. No way. No way! NO ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WAY!! EVER!

"Yes, Frozen Milk! I'm our biggest fan! Become my FL!"

Frozen Milk wasted his 1000th life and fainted.

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