Chapter 31

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"You guys hurry up and pass the bags through the conveyor. I'll collect the ticket–tokens." I declared and ran towards the first vending machine I could spot which wasn't far away. There were around four people in the queue. I was the fifth one. I glanced in the direction of the boys and found them passing the baggage through the conveyers. The conversation we had had in the car minutes ago replayed in my brain, making me chuckle. Fortunately, the cyber zombie in the queue had their head hung down, glued to the screen, so I didn't receive any reaction out of them.

I tapped my foot in desperation. My heart sped up when I glanced at the notification board, the train was about to arrive. The tapping turned faster and soon it was my turn to use the machine. I inserted the master card and selected the route. The machine popped out six 'token-coins' on the plate. I grasped them and ran towards the 'entry'. The security had let me pass after the inspection. I spotted the group near the ascending escalator, slipped the coins in their palms and ran towards the entrance. My palm lingered over Sonia's for a second longer, taking the opportunity I intertwined our hands and ran towards the platform, dragging her along with me, after passing through the automatic security barricades. Surprisingly, she didn't object and let me lead the way. She was panicking, I guessed.

It took us barely three minutes to make it till the platform where the train was already waiting for us. Passengers hoped on and off the automated-sliding doors. We parted into two groups of three and boarded the train through different gates. I was the last one to step in and on precise time because the door shut closed the second after I entered.

I heaved a long sigh, feeling somewhat relaxed and contented. The trekking bag slipped-off of my shoulder and dropped on the metro floor, making a soft sound.

We made it, Sur! The subconscious mind mentally patted my back, making my chest swell in pride. The train picked up some speed, urging us to hold some support to stay steady.

I was about to turn towards Sonia to check up on her, but my stirring halted when I felt soft lips on the cheek. The lips lingered on my left cheek for a few seconds and then it was withdrawn. If I wasn't alert enough I would have completely missed it, but I knew it was there. The shocked face of Ayaan was an indication that it had happened and that I had felt it right. The quick pace, my heart was beating at was conclusive evidence of the peck.

I snapped my head in the direction to find Sonia giving me a toothy grin. She looked at me dreamily, almost in haze and the chirped. "You are so Smart, Sur. You were like a hero, all in action and glory. You are very intelligent. I'm so in love with you. Thank you! Thank you!" She squealed and threw her arms around my neck, catching me off-guard.

I awkwardly placed my hands on her lower waist and reciprocated the hug while balancing my weight on the pole. It was the first time; Sonia had willingly made some physical contact with me. It was surprising and made me feel dizzy yet it felt right and homely; before I could comprehend anything happening around. I received another peck on my right cheek and then on left-one, afterwards on my forehead. Her arms tightened around my neck as she squeezed me into another warm hug.

"If you weren't so there for me; I didn't know what would I have done. I had lost it the moment we missed the train. All kinds of negative thoughts were there, but you were composed. You were the only one who didn't lose it. You are so trustworthy. I am sorry I created a fuss at the station. I shouldn't have doubted you, I shouldn't have thrown tantrums. I didn't mean to cry like a kid. You must have felt so ashamed. I am sorry." She rambled on. My eyes darted towards Ayaan who was standing two steps away from me, near a seat. He winked when our eyes met and showed me a thumb up. A small smile curved upon his lips. A shred of evidence that I had achieved something great.

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