Chapter 4:

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"Billie, wait up!" Stacy yelled. "What's up?" Billie turned around. Stacy quickly caught up to her, dragging Beth along with her. "We were wondering if we could have a sleepover this weekend... We want to invite Rachel, too." Billie lit up, "That wo-would be fun! Whose house?" Beth shrugged, "Whoever doesn't have parents around, so not mine." "Me neither," Stacy replied. "Ye-yeah same," Billie added. "I'll ask R-Rachel, since Ellie's house is obviously a no. Mr. K wo-would lose his mind- A-and Bentley can't at his house. Again, be-because of his parents," Billie explained, earning nods from her peers.

"Rachel, hold up!" Harley ran up behind Rachel, causing her to stop. "What, bitch?" Harley put on a "First Grade Teacher's" tone, "Now, that's not a nice way to treat your friend, is it, fag." Rachel laughed, "Really? Were friends? You just beat up a toddler." Harley sighed, "Look, I don't know what came to me.. I ju-" Rachel stopped her, "This is not the first time you've done this to someone. You need to cut it out," Rachel said, lighting a cigarette and handed it to Harley. Then, lit one for herself. "Are you gonna forgive me?" Harley asked, giving her puppy-dog eyes. Rachel shook her head, "I shouldn't, but I will... On one circumstance." Harley huffed a ring of smoke. "What is it?" Rachel held her cigarette and shot a look at Harley. "I want you to stay away from Ellie and the rest of her group."

Harley rolled her eyes as a smug grin grew onto her face, "Looks like somebody has a little crush." Rachel sighed, "Whatever, just leave her and the rest alone." She nodded as they turned the corner. "Oh, fuck. That's my parents' car," Rachel muttered. "You need to get out of that house. They're shitty parents. Treat you badly." Rachel shook her head. "What's the point? I get to be on my own all year except like, two weeks... total. If I call anyone, they'll be arrested and I'll be put in a home. You know that, right?" Harley didn't respond. Rachel tossed her cigarette on the street and stepped on it. "I'll see ya tomorrow, rat."

"It's about time you got home fro-" the man was cut off as soon as he noticed his daughters injuries. "What the hell happened!?" He yelled and then his wife came in. "Holy shit! Go shower now!" she yelled, dismissing Rachel. "Shitty parents... They come home for two days and all they do is yell at me," she muttered to herself.

'Damn, why does she gotta act like that?' Harley thought. She began to wonder if Rachel actually did have at least a small crush on the short brunette, then decided that next week she was going to ask.

  Rachel went downstairs wearing the same jeans, since they hadn't gotten blood on them, along with a black long sleeved shirt and her worn down converse. "Where are you going, Rachel?" Her father, Matt, asked while skimming the newspaper on the recliner. "Out," Rachel said wrapping gauze on her hands. "Out where? Don't act like a smartass." Rachel rolled her eyes. "With friends, Dad."

  Her mother, Winnie, arrived, stepping inside through the front door and setting a stack of mail on the kitchen counter, "We need you to stay the night at a friend's house while we are in town. We're having a few friends over." Rachel finished wrapping her wrist, "Yeah, so you can get drunk? I'll gladly leave this hell hole." Matt stood up, "Don't talk to your mother like that, you piece of shit!" He slapped Rachel across the face, causing her glasses to fall onto the floor. "Now, what do you say?" Rachel sighed, "Sorry, mother."

  Winnie didn't approve of Matt's ways with Rachel, though she knows if she says anything, it wouldn't end well for her. "Honey, could you go get the groceries out of the car?" Winner asked. Matt set down his newspaper, "Be on your best behavior." Rachel nodded and picked her glasses up.

  Matt went to do what his wife had told him to, while inside, Winnie called her daughter over. She started to whisper, "You know your father's gonna get drunk tonight. We will be here tonight and tomorrow night... The next day, we will be gone. Go stay with Billie or another friend, okay?" Without getting a response, she added, "I don't want what happened to you last time to happen again." Rachel nodded and hugged her mother.

  "I love you, go pack and call Billie on the phone." Rachel nodded and made her way upstairs to her bedroom. The room was small with a twin size bed shoved up against the corner covered in tangled sheets and blankets. She had a dresser across from the bed with a tiny old television resting on top. Next to her bed was her nightstand, of course, and a single window, which was next to her messy closet and desk.

  Rachel grabbed her backpack and shoved some clothes inside, along with her walkman. She dialed Billie's number. A muffled "H-Hello?" sounded from the speaker. "Hey, Billie." "Oh, hey Rach... What's up?" Rachel sighed, "Can I crash at your place tonight?" Billie shook her head from the other end, "Rach, I'm so sorry. Not to-tonight, you can tomorrow though... H-how come all of a su-sudden?" Rachel put her hand on her face and sighed, "My parents are home and I have to leave the house for two nights." Billie understood, "You c-can stay at my place to-tomorrow night. I can ask E-Ellie for you? She isn't busy and s-she would like the com-company." Rachel agreed and Billie hung up to call Ellie.

"Ellie, can you get the phone?" Her father hollered. "Yes, Papa," she responded from her room. Footsteps could be heard from the staircase as she rushed down. "Hello?" "Hey El-Ellie," I have a favor to ask." Ellie waited. "I was wondering if to-tonight Rachel could stay with you?" Ellie lit up but stayed calm. "..Let me ask my papa." She covered the phone with her hand. "Papa? Could one of my friends spend the night so I'm not alone when you leave?" Mr. K replied, "As long as they aren't a trouble maker. "She isn't, she's very sweet." Ellie knew she was sweet. Trouble maker? Maybe. "Thanks papa!" She picked the phone back up. "He said yes. Tell her to meet me at the library since she doesn't know where I live." Billie agreed then hung up.

  Ellie almost squealed with excitement, but she knew she has to conceal it. She returned to her bedroom and began to neaten it up. She was thrilled that she wouldn't have to be alone when her father left for the night. Twice a week, he left to do an extra work shift at 8 p.m, then came home an hour after Ellie left for school.

  Thoughts flooded her mind. She felt anxious and nervous, yet very excited. Glancing down at her watch, Ellie thought that it'd be a good time to go to the library, so that's what she did.

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