Chapter 13:

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Ellie-holding Rachel by the hand- guided her back down to the basement, being kindly greeted by the remaining losers. Billie had just returned down soon before, bringing more snacks since the group had already gone through them.

A brief silence took over for a moment, before Rachel finally spoke up, "Okay, so what'cha wanna know?" The group exchanged glances before Stacy began, "So, you're close with Harley?" Rachel nodded, "Yup."

"How lo-long have y'all b-been friends for... And wh-why haven't I kn-known?" Billie surveyed. Rachel pondered for a moment, "A long time," she paused. "Prolly since first grade?"

"But why didn't you tell us?" Ellie added, tilting her head. "'Cause. Everyone hates her? The real question is why would I tell you?" Rachel grinned in attempt to lighten the mood.
After a failed attempt, she sighed. "It's almost four in the morning, can we just talk about this tomorrow?"

Without waiting on a response, Rachel moved to her sleeping bag and crawled in. "I g-guess she's right. I-I'm going t-to bed, too," Billie added. With that, the group shared goodnight's and crawled into their sleeping bags.

While the rest of the losers drifted to sleep, Rachel felt her sleeping bag begin to shift in the midst of the darkness. A soft 'Rachel' sounded, and Rachel immediately realized who it was.

"Ellie, what're you doing?" Ellie crawled in beside Rachel, wrapping an arm around the taller girl. "...stop worrying me like that, Rach," she mumbled.

Morning rolled around quickly, Rachel being woken up by the soft voice of Billie stuttering into her basement telephone. "Y-yes, thank y-you."

Rubbing her eyes, Rachel waited for her friend to end the call, before greeting her with a raspy 'good morning.' "G'morning, Rach," Billie replied, "I-I just got y-your doctor's app-appointment scheduled. It's a-at two."

Rachel nodded, "Thanks," before untangling herself from Ellie's grasp. She drowsily stood up and rubbed her eyes. "I'm gonna go out for a smoke." Billie nodded, "'Kay, I'll b-be making br-breakfast, so don't t-take too long."


She stepped outside, a chilly breeze hitting her in the face. She decided to take a walk to the gas station, hoping that Billie wouldn't mind.

"What are you doing here?" Rachel questioned, approaching the older girl. Harley smirked, "Hoping you'd come by." The curly haired girl took a seat on the curb and pulled out a pack, "Want one?"

Harley chuckled, "'Course." Silence came between the two, the only sound being the wind and passing vehicles. "So," Rachel began, "I have a doctors appointment today- for the pregnancy."

"What time?" Harley asked. "It's at two. You'll come, right?" Rachel said before taking a drag of her cigarette and receiving a nod from her friend. "Billie will be there... Just so y'know."

"It's 'ight," Harley assured. Then, once again, an overwhelming silence took place. Rachel glanced at her wrist watch before standing up and flicking her cig to the side. "I gotta go, Billie's making breakfast and prolly wondering where I am," she announced, beginning her walk back to the house.


"Finally," Billie sighed, "Wh-where were you?" Rachel kicked off her sneakers, "Jus' went for a walk, no biggie." The losers were crowded around the kitchen preparing their meal.

"What's for breakfast?" Rachel surveyed, wandering into the kitchen. Beth took a seat in the living room, "Pancakes," she responded, switching on the television.

  Rachel hummed in response, pushing through the small crowd of hungry teenagers and grabbed a small serving for herself. Billie furrowed her brows at the sight, "I-Is that all y-your eating?" Rachel nodded, confused, before taking a seat beside Beth.

  Not long after, Ellie trotted into the living room and plopped onto the couch next to Rachel. She smiled, then glancing down at Rachel's plate, she frowned.

  "Rach, you ate so fast," she commented. Rachel swallowed her mouthful, "What?" Ellie paused for a second, "I said you ate fast." Rachel glanced down at her empty plate, "Oh, yeah," and nervously chuckled, trying to hide the fact that she hardly ate anything.

Rachel turned to Billie as she placed her plate in the sink, "So, it's alright if I bring a friend to the appointment later, right?" Billie paused and whispered with a smirk, "Is it your girlfriend?" The curly haired girl's eyes widened, "We're not dating! ...And it's Harley, by the way," she explained, receiving a slow nod from her friend.


One by one, the losers eventually made their way home, leaving Rachel, Ellie, and Billie alone in the house. Just as Rachel finished grabbing her belongings, the smaller girl slyly approached her, her hands behind her back.

  "Will you walk me home?" Ellie asked, looking up at the taller girl. Rachel smiled, " 'course!"  The two waved Billie goodbye and left the property, starting their journey home.

  Minutes had gone by before either had spoken, until Rachel finally broke the silence. "So... why'd you want me to walk you home?" Ellie sighed, "I wanted to talk to you, that's all." Rachel waited, and Ellie took that as a invitation to continue.

  "So, you're going to the doctor?" she questioned. Rachel nodded, "Yeah." Silence. "Look, I know you're upset 'cause I didn't tell you."

  "Yeah," Ellie responded, sounding a tad hurt, "I want to be there for you- I mean, I know you need as much support as you can get, so..." Rachel silenced herself once again. "The reason I didn't tell you is- cause -I'm ashamed."

  Ellie's face softened, "It's nothing you should be ashamed of. If anything, your dad should be the one who's ashamed. Though, he doesn't know, does he?" Rachel shook her head, "Neither of 'em do. Jus' you, the losers, and... Harley."

  "So, are they going to the appointment?" Ellie questioned, furrowing her neat brows. "...Yeah, only Billie and Harley," Rachel responded guiltily, drawing a sad breath from the brunette.

  Rachel felt horrible. She knew Ellie wanted to help and be apart of it, but she felt as if it just wasn't right. "Look, I just... don't think it's best if you come," she stated.

  "t's fine, I guess... I hope your doctor's appointment goes well," Ellie stated wistfully. Just as she had said that, her little house came into perspective.

  "Thanks," Ellie gave Rachel a weak smile before she disappeared into her house. A long hefty sigh slipped from between the raven haired girl's lips as she checked her watch, reading twelve.

  She started her path to her gloomy little house, before stopping in her tracks. 'I can't face my parents like this,' she thought, glancing down at her still flat stomach. Then, she turned around, returning to Billie's with a cigarette resting between her lips.

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