02. Boredom

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[name] was bored out of her wits as she watched Muzan busy with his experiments as per usual. She wasn't sure why her Master would want her to remain most of the time indoors, and most importantly, she was often sent into the meetings of the Upper Moons, to disperse the dispute that Doma always created.

Muzan then stopped with his mixing of chemicals and looked at [name].

"Are you bored?" he asked, and [name] hesitantly nodded slightly. He then chuckled and pointed to the exit, where [name] smiled and hopped off from the table, and immediately walked away.

Upon reaching the common grounds where the meetings would usually be held, [name] found it empty. She then looked around and saw Nakime, who then played her biwa, opening a door for [name]. [name] then bowed slightly and soon walked through the door, and was rather surprised to see what was going on.

It seems Doma happened to bring some sort of board game into the room and had managed to convince most of the Upper Moon Demons to play, well, except for [name] and Kokushibo apparently.

[name] then entered the room a little more and settled down on the sofa.

She noticed that Kokushibo was reading a book, and her attention soon placed upon the mini-game the Upper Moon Demons were having.

"[name]-chan! Come, play with us!" Doma called out and [name] shook her head in response as she brought her legs up and hugged her knees to herself since she was dressed loosely in a kimono that she used for sleeping purposes.

She soon felt her legs being pulled, and her gradient dark blue ocean eyes widened when Doma towered over her. She then kept a straight face as Akaza immediately punched him to aside, and scowled in response to what the Upper Moon Two was doing to her.

To Akaza, even if she was a demon, he will still respect her for she was a female.

[name] then noticed a plain haori placed on her legs, and she turned to notice that Kokushibo had covered her up. He then sat down beside her as he continued to read his book, and [name] soon positioned herself properly once more.

The warm sensation within her cold heart sparkled a little.

Doma then whines when he came back from the previous attack by Akaza, and had regenerate himself. His rainbow eyes then laid upon [name], who then quickly averted her gaze and looked at Kokushibo who was reading his book. [name] then scoots a little closer, and got curious about what he was reading.

Gyutaro then raised an eyebrow as he realized that Kokushibo did not get irritated with the fact that [name] was that close to him, and he nudged Daki who looked at what was going on. [name] was so close to the Upper Moon One that she was nearly leaning onto him.

"[name]," and [name] immediately turned and smiled when she saw Muzan had called upon her. She happily stood up and skipped away, still holding onto the plain haori as she stood before Muzan. The duo then turned and left the room, whereas the Upper Moon Demons' eyes remained on their retreating figure.

"[name]-chan seems to always be by Master's side," Doma whines out, and Akaza got irritated with him. Kokushibo then looked as [name] and Muzan had stopped in the middle of walking, and he watched the way she would tilt her head up and the smile plastered on her face.

Somehow, he was wishing [name] would do that to him.

"Penny for your thoughts, Kokushibo-dono?" Doma spoke out, and Kokushibo then ignored Doma and proceeded to continue reading his book instead.

Muzan found it interesting that with [name] in the same room as him, he seems to be able to find the right answers as occasionally she would point to some of the chemicals that he was mixing, and insisted for him to use them instead.

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