{17} Grasp the fate as it is

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by @blue_skittleee on IG

Grasp the fate as it is,
To light the dark,
When do we start?
Follow the path, there it was
Foggy outcasts,
Stop and be gone

Dwell on yesterday, so it seems
Thy words pierced —
Wasn't I gratefully clear?
Shine upon a shooting star,
Come and it'll appear

Hundreds and thousands,
Letters uplifting spirits
Hang over and be proud
Banished water came to drop
One loud roar was heard at the top

Too fragile, a glass it might be
Howling inside a youngster
Let it free—
Might be dead, I say to thee

T' heavens above I proclaim,
It will never be the same
Redeem the point of agony,
Bid farewell to the legacy

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