Ch. 22

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     We were stopped by two new people. First, some weird damn teacher. Damn, didn't I want to punch her ugly fucking face. Then, there was Beans. Dani helped me peel gum from my hair, trying to calm me down. "He just wanted to show us his trick."
     "Next time I'll blow his fucking brains out of his fucking ugly face!" He sighed, sitting back.
     "We might have to go earlier than what you planned. We need that out before it dries." I looked to the door, kicking the door open. "Where are you going?!" I glanced back, slipping the gun from my pocket.
     "Imma shoot a cunt." He jumped up, chasing after me.
     "You'll get sent to jail! Or they'd kill you as well!" I grunted, thudding against the ground as he tackled me.
     "Get off me!"
     "I am doing this for you!" We stopped, Dani having my arms pinned and hovering above me. We slowly looked to where the footsteps stopped, looking at some dapper shoes. We both slowly looked up at the person, giving a nervous chuckle. Dani leaped up, bowing a million times. I stood up slower, dusting myself off and picking my weapon up.
     "Bald man, hello." He glanced to me, my face flushing slightly.
     "What was all that about?" He sounded like an angry father. Dani topped mid bow, slowly rising up.
     "Uh, well, you see, uh, Beans had uh, oh God," he whispered, clutching onto his shirt where his chest was.
     "I was going to kill a kid." Their eyes snapped to me, Baldi giving an unsure look.
     "So, Beans-"
     "Fucking spit gum at me! So I was going to show him what a fucking caterpillar rookie gets for messing up my damn day!" Dani, had grabbed my shoulders, eyes wide as he shook me.
     "We don't yell at teachers!" I pat his cheek, hissing at him.
     "I do what I want!" He bowed to apologize to Baldi.
     "Y/n, we don't kill other kids."
     "You tried to kill me." Silence followed as Dani gave a small glare to Baldi then me. "What, it's the fuckin truth," I muttered.
     "Sorry, sir! We were just about to leave so we can fix her hair!" He quirked a brow, staring down at Dani.
     "Leave?" He quickly nodded, seeming as if he was beating himself up on the inside as if he regretted his choice.
     "Y-yes sir! We didn't see anything spooky, so we are all good to go!" Baldi glanced to me with an almost sad glance. I shrugged, tugging at my hair.
     "Well then, let's go Dani. Before I change my mind and single handedly kill people." He quickly nodded, grabbing my hand and running off. His palms were sweaty...kneesweakarmsareheavy. "Dude, calm down."
     "I know, I know. It's hard to when I am stuck in an awkward situation where you are in love with my math teacher," he sighed, shutting the door and grabbing some bags. "My heart is going a million miles per hour and doing gymnastics," he halfheartedly laughed.
     "I don't see why it's such a big deal. I mean, look at him. He doesn't seem like he'll be trying to kill us anytime soon." Dani rolled his eyes, mock laughing at me.
     "Yeah, okay. People switch."
     "Like you on your man period?" I asked, lifting some bags up as well.
     "Where the hell did that come from?!" I laughed, running out as he chased me. What was he going to do? Launch a bag at me as we ran? I went forward, landing with a grunt as cans spilled everywhere.
     "Ah, fucking bitch." He whooped, literally,  and jogged over. When I mean literally, he threw his arms up and gave the loudest whoop known to man. He picked the cans up and placed them into the cart. I slid the bags I was carrying into the cart after struggling to get up.
     "You two." Dani jumped around, screaming. When he saw that it was just the bald mole, his face flushed and he bowed quickly. "I'd like to speak to Y/n alone, Dani." He stood straight, slowly nodded and began to push the cart away. Before he left, he reached to my ear, glancing to the cart.
     "Don't get diddled," he whispered, running off with a laugh after I went to smack him. I looked to the teacher, pocketing my hands.
     "Yes?" He coughed, hand over his mouth, and nodded.
     "I was wondering if we were to ever see each other...again?" I looked up to him, then gave a chortle.
     "Maybe not! I'm homeschooled and lazy, so I don't ever leave my home. Not unless Dani needs someone to go somewhere with him," I shrugged with a sigh.
     "Oh, well, would you like to schedule a day to...go out sometime?" I scanned over his face, then shrugged.
     "Gotta check with Dani and see if he has anything planned. I mean, I'm sure I don't have anything to do on Saturday's. He's always sleeping in on those days," I mumbled.
     "So?" I shrugged, turning around.
     "If I stop by the school, I'm free. If I don't, eh." I shrugged before catching up with Dani. I stopped by him, watching as he slipped into the bottom part of the cart. As soon as I gripped the handle, we went flying. "Super Buttlerfly Frank is free, dammit!" Dani and I laughed, flying down the sidewalk with the stolen cart and our groceries.
     Now it was time to chop my hair off because of the dried ass gum planted in it. Fucking Beans. Wait till I see his ass again. I'll be sure to chop every damn chin off his ugly ass face.

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