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"Have a great day!" I smile as my favorite customer leaves the cafe. Mrs. Stein comes in every morning, gets a black coffee and a banana nut muffin. She used to come in with her husband, but he passed away a couple of years ago.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and it's Charlie, my date for this evening. I send a quick text back, confirming our plans, and tuck my phone away, as another customer comes in.

Even though I've been using condoms with the guys I've been sleeping with, I decided it would probably be a good idea to get back on birth control. I had a doctors appointment a couple days ago, and got a prescription.

"Who are you seeing now?" Riley teases, refilling the muffins and cookies, that we make fresh daily.

"Charlie." I grin.

"If he's anything like Landon, Ian, and James, I'm jealous." She laughs.

"He's ridiculously hot." I laugh, starting more coffee.

"I have to wonder though, are you planning to actually date one of them? Be in a relationship?"

"No. My heart is set on one guy, and until he tells me what the fuck is going on, I'm just doing casual." I shrug, turning the coffee maker on.

"And if for some reason, which I hope doesn't happen, he decides he wants to move past his feelings for you? Then what?"

I sigh, turning to look at her. "I don't know, Ri. I guess I'll figure that out when the time comes."

"When does he come back?"

"In like less than two weeks. I'm not gonna put my life on pause when I have no idea what's going to happen. We're not together." I shrug.

"Whatever you say." She says with a raised eyebrow, then greets a customer that comes in. "Good morning! Welcome to Shay's Cafe! My name is Riley, how can I help you today?"

I walk to the back room, and start grabbing ingredients for my popular cranberry orange muffins. Measuring out the ingredients, I add them to a mixing bowl, and start to mix them by hand.

When I'm stressed, I like to hand mix, to relieve some of the stress. It also helps me to clear my head, and focus on the task at hand. My head has been stuck on Evan since he left a few days ago, and I need to snap out of it.

He hasn't said anything else to me, since his text the other day, and I haven't said anything either. I'm hoping this time with him away helps both of us think about what we want to happen next. I obviously would love to have a chance with him, but I don't know if he's in the same place, especially after what happened with Jade.

I finish mixing the first batch, and split the mixture equally into a muffin tin. I sprinkle more cranberries on top of the batter, and slide the tin into the oven. Next, is blueberry muffins. They're my second most popular, then banana nut muffins.

"Shay, I need more red velvet macarons!" Riley calls back to me.

Once a week, we put out a flavor of macarons. This weeks is red velvet. I grab a tray from the fridge, and walk back out front, nearly dropping the tray when I see who is at the counter. He grins, while Riley snickers, takes the tray, and walks away.

"Shay Lynn." He smiles.

"Dad!" I run around the counter, and jump into my dads arms.

"Jace, did you find her?" My moms voice calls, as she steps into my cafe.

"I think so, Lana. Otherwise, this would be awkward." My dad teases, holding onto me. My mom laughs loudly, her eyes landing on us.

"Hi baby!" My mom says, joining in on the hug.

"This is a nice surprise. What are you guys doing home already?" I ask, jumping down.

"We're opening a second building in Fresno, and wanted to see if you wanted to join us to see your grandparents. They're coming to town and staying for a while, along with your uncles." My mom says with a smile.

"When? I just took a week off to move, so I can't right now."

"Well we'll be there for a couple months, so you can join us anytime. We leave tomorrow morning."

"Okay. I'll see what I can do." I smile, and hug them again. I feel like with my busy life, and their crazy schedules, I barely see them anymore.

"So, Riley tells me that you're living with Colton and Evan now?" My dad asks, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah. I thought it was just Colton, and he surprised me with another roommate."

"I'm not sure I like you living with two guys. Even if you did grow up with them." His eye brows are furrowed, and mom rolls her eyes.

"Oh please. Colton is like her brother, and he's gonna end up with Ariel. And our little Shay will end up with Evan." She smirks at me. I let out a scoff, my turn to roll my eyes.

"You're right about Colton, but Evan and I aren't anything."

"Yet. You realize his parents are our best friends, right?" She says with a mischievous grin.

"Same with Colton's parents. We hear things." Dad adds, nodding his head.

"There's nothing going on. And I don't know if there ever will be."

Colton's parents are James and Leslie Malcom, and Evan's are Hunter and Hillary Taylor. They were all best friends and worked together when my parents first started dating. Hillary is the one that has breast cancer.

And then there's my brother Tyler. He barely talks to any of us. With him being twenty-one years older than me, we've never had anything in common.

It might also have to do with the fact that he dated my mom first and lost her to his dad. But that's just a theory.

Wait, did they say Fresno? As in, where Evan is working, Fresno?

"Did you say Fresno?"

"We did. Why?" My dad smirks.

"Did you get Evan's construction company to come to Fresno to work for you?"

"Maybe." My mom smiles. "How's that time off sound?"

"I still can't, mom. And I'm not just gonna follow him there. Maybe I can visit? But wait, he said just for a couple weeks. Not months."

"This is the initial planning of the building, then in a month or so, we'll break ground on it." My dad explains.

"Then, maybe when the real action happens, I'll come stay for a bit."

"Good. We've got to go, sweetie. We'll see you soon!" My mom says, and they both hug and kiss my cheeks, then leave. This should be interesting. Evan, working for my parents? Oh joy.

Mr. Possessive (Kingsley Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now