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"Im pregnant." My eyes cast over the room, awaiting reactions, but everyone is frozen in shock. Then suddenly, Ariel's high pitched squeal erupts in the silent room.

"Oh my god! Yes! Yay!" She jumps up from her seat on the couch in her and Colton's apartment, and hugs me.

"Are you serious?" Colton asks, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

"Very serious." Evan responds with a grin.

"Wow. Congrats! What does this mean for you guys, though?" Colton questions, as Ariel sits back down next to him, twisting her beautiful engagement ring on her left ring finger, waiting for our response.

"We're going to keep going how we have been, and take it slow. We don't want this to rush us into getting back together, although that's the end result we're hoping for. Both of us are still in therapy, and until we're both ready to make that step again, we're just friends." I explain, feeling my heart breaking all over again just saying that.

There's nothing more I want than to be Evan's again, but we're both not mentally ready for that step. I'm slowly getting there, and I know he's progressing really well, but it's not the right time yet. Our goal is to get back together, but we're not putting a timeframe on it. We want to work on ourselves, before we try to work on 'us'.

"I completely understand. How far along are you?" Ariel questions.

"I'm fifteen weeks and four days. We had our first appointment with the OBGYN a couple of weeks ago, and everything is going great. We go back in two weeks to find out the gender." I can't help the smile on my face as I look adoringly at Evan. I quickly look away, but I catch Ariels smile. She caught me.

"So you're parents know, right?" Colton asks, taking a sip of his water.

"We're meeting them for lunch next week. They've been so busy with Fresno, we haven't had a chance."

"I'm also going to talk to them about getting back to work." Evan says, shocking me.

"What? Already? It's only been a month." How could he not say something to me before?

"It won't be immediately, I still have to have approval from my doctors. Probably a month or so out, but I'm ready." He says with a shrug. How can he be so nonchalant about it? With everything that happened, he wants to go back?

"You're crazy dude, but if that's what you wanna do." Colton shrugs, glancing at me, probably noticing my sudden silence.

I have no words. I get that it's his job, but he could have died! He seriously wants to risk that again? I grab my bag, and walk out of the apartment, not able to sit and listen to that anymore. I quickly head down the stairs, and out of the building.

"Sasha! Where are you going?" Evan's voice calls after me, as I walk down the mostly empty sidewalk.

"Home." Is my short response. "Maybe you should stay here." He grabs my arm, and pulls me to a stop.

"Talk to me. We've discussed this in therapy, communication, Shay. Please." I let out a sigh, and look down.

"You going back to work scares that shit out of me. I thought you were going to die, Evan. I thought everything was so fucked up for us, and we never got a chance to make it right, and that you were gone. It fucking scares me that that could happen again, and the outcome isn't the same. It fucking terrifies me, Evan." At this point, I'm sobbing, and he's pulling me into his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Shay." He whispers in my ear. "It won't be soon, I promise. Maybe some time to think about it will help you adjust to it? I know you hate it, but this job is everything to me. I love what I do." He explains, looking at me.

"I just need time to get used to the idea of you going back." I whisper, and he nods. "I'll be going with you, though. I have to work on the Café anyway."

"I don't think I could leave you two for that long, so I'm good with that." He smiles, placing his hand on my small bump protruding out from under my shirt.

I can't help but smile, and do something I probably shouldn't. I stand on my tiptoes, and kiss his lips. In an instant, his lips are moving against mine. We both let out a content sigh, before breaking apart. Just that kiss has me insanely turned on, and wanting more.

"What was that for?" He grins, moving hair out of my face.

"I don't know. I just wanted to." I blush, looking at the ground. I have to get those dirty thoughts out of my head. He lifts my chin, and pecks me softly.

"I'm absolutely okay with it." I smile and we walk to his car. He sends Colton a text, explaining we're sorry for leaving but we'll see them for lunch tomorrow.

I just want to shove him onto my bed and have my way with him. Fuck, these pregnancy hormones are ridiculous. Plus, he's just fucking sexy and amazing in bed in general. And it's been a long fucking time.

"What's wrong?" Evan asks, breaking me of my dirty thoughts.

We're currently sitting on the couch in my apartment, watching some random show on the tv. I instantly blush, and shake my head, looking away from him. "Nothing."

"Shay. Talk to me." He turns my head to look at him, looking worried.

"I... I'm horny as fuck, okay?" He stares at me for a second, before laughing loudly. I smack his arm, looking away, blushing profusely.

"You just had to say so." He whispers in my ear, before lifting me onto his lap so I'm straddling his waist.

"I thought you couldn't do this? Plus.. we really shouldn't." He silences me by kissing my lips, and all of my excuses not to, disappear.

Mr. Possessive (Kingsley Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now