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Riley's POV

"How long has she been like this?" Colton asks, as soon as he gets to the cafe. I managed to get Shay inside, and now she's laying on the floor in the kitchen, staring off at the wall. But, she finally stopped crying.

"Laying here? About an hour. The tears stopped about ten minutes before you got here." I explain to him, and he nods, crouching down next to Shay.

"Sasha?" He asks, and her eyes move to him. "Hey, it's Colton. Wanna go home?" She shakes her head no.

"I asked her that. She doesn't want to go where his stuff is." He lets out a sigh, sitting down on the floor. "She can stay at my parents with me."

"Do you want to stay with Riley for a little bit? Visit her parents? I'm sure they've missed you." I'm so glad she has great friends like Colton and Ariel, and myself obviously, but people who truly care about her well being. Even if he is also Evan's best friend, he's here for Shay.

"Please." She whispers, and Colton nods. He scoops her up into his arms, princess style, and we walk out to Shay's Jeep, after I close up and lock the cafe.

"I'll come back for my car later." I tell him, as he situates her in the passenger seat. "Could you get some of her stuff and bring it to my parents house?"

"Absolutely. Send me the address. Let me know how she's doing until I get there." He says, walking towards his car. I agree, and get into the drivers seat of Shay's Jeep.

Fifteen minutes later, I pull into the driveway of my parents house, and shut off Shay's Jeep. She's still asleep, so I figured I would wait until Colton gets here to carry her inside the house. I send him a text telling him what's going on.

After about a half hour, Colton pulls up next to me, and gets out of his car. I hop out of the Jeep, and grab the overnight bag Shay had packed. Knowing she won't want to see the bag since she packed it to see Evan, I'll take out the things she will need, and put the rest away for another day.

"She's still out?" Colton asks, walking over to the passenger door. I nod, pulling the door open.

He scoops her up into his arms again, and I shut the door, grabbing the bag he packed her as well, and lead the way to the front door. I open the door, and let him inside the house. Heading up the stairs, I lead him to the room I'm staying in, and he lays her down on my bed.

"You can stay until she wakes up, if you want." I offer, sitting on the other side of the bed.

"Thanks." He sighs, plopping down in my desk chair. "Do you know what happened?"

"She just said she thinks they broke up. I don't know anything else."

"He said... he said he doesn't need me." I look over and see Shay's eyes open. She's staring at the ceiling, tears once again falling.

"Wait. What?" Colton stands up, and walks over to her.

"I went to Fresno, to visit him. He got mad. He said he didn't need me to check on him. He doesn't need my apologies, he doesn't need me. He told me to go home. Because he doesn't need me."

"What the actual fuck?" I'm absolutely livid now. Colton walks out of the room, his phone to his ear. I'm guessing he's about to give Evan an earful.

"I... I tried to be there for him... I tried to give him space... I tried. But I messed it all up, and now he doesn't want me around anymore." She whispers, and I shake my head so quickly it hurts.

"No! Don't do that. You were doing what you could, what you thought would help him. It is not your fault his head is fucked up right now. Do not blame yourself. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him, but it's not you." I tell her, and she nods slowly.

"He didn't fucking answer. The prick." Colton curses, walking back into my room.

Shay rolls onto her side, curling up into a ball. I can see her body shaking and I can tell she's crying again. I curl up next to her, hugging her to me. Colton lays on the other side of Shay, and does the same thing.

"We're right here, Shay." I whisper, and Colton and I share a sad smile with each other, knowing our best friend is hurting.


Apparently we all fell asleep, because I woke up laying on my back, with Shay's leg thrown over mine, and Colton cuddling her from behind. What's funnier though is Ariel taking pictures of us in this position, and my mom looking amused behind her.

"You guys are the cutest." Ariel giggles, showing me the pictures she took. I laugh softly, trying to not wake the other two.

"I'm gonna go make you guys some dinner. I'll let you know when it's done. Ariel, would you like to help me, sweetie?" My mom says, looking at Ariel.

"Of course Mrs. A!" Ariel grins, and follows my mom out of the room.

"And call me Theresa." I hear my mom tell her, making me giggle.

"What's so funny?" Colton asks groggily.

"My mother correcting your girlfriend." I tell him, making him chuckle.

"I'm gonna go see her for a minute. I'll be back." He gets out of the bed, careful not to wake Shay, and leaves my room. I sit up, grabbing my phone, and scrolling through Instagram. Shay's phone vibrates next to me, and I see a text from Evan.

'My words didn't come out right. Please call me.'

I don't open the message, but I do see where he's called her ten times. She better make him work for it.

Mr. Possessive (Kingsley Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now