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Evans's POV

A few days after royally fucking things up with Shay, I finally came to my senses. I've been trying to get her to talk to me, but she won't answer my calls or texts. But, I'm not surprised. I really fucked up. Which is why I left Fresno and am currently outside the apartment door.

I turn the knob, letting me know one of them is home. I really fucking hope it's Shay. When I step inside, I see Colton sitting on the couch. He looks up at me, and immediately glares at me.

"I get it. You're pissed at me. But I need to talk to her. Where is she?" I ask, setting my bag down.

He doesn't respond, so I make my way to Shay's room, and push the door open. It wasn't closed. She always closes her door. I step into her room, and it's completely empty. Literally everything is gone, including everything in her closet.

"Where the fuck is she, Colton?" I demand, storming back into the living room.

"She's gone, Evan. What the fuck? Did you think she would stay here after what you fucking said to her?" He yells, jumping off of the couch, and getting in my face.

"I know. I fucked up! Where did she go?"

"She told me not to tell you, if you cared enough to ask. But, she is getting her own apartment soon. That's all I'm saying." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"Fuck!" I punch the wall next to me, surprisingly not busting a hole in the wall. "I really fucked up Colt, please. Tell me where she is."

"No. I'm not telling you. You might as well go back to Fresno, dude." He sits back on the couch, and just stares at me. I sigh, and step into my room. That's when my heart breaks more. On my bed, Shay left my shirts and hoodies she was using. She didn't take them with her.

I seriously fucked up, and I don't know if I can fix this.

"She didn't want them to remind her of you." Colton says, and I turn to see him leaning against my doorframe. I sit on my bed, with my head in my hands.

"What the fuck did I do, man?" The tears start to free fall. I hear him sigh, and he sits next to me.

"What you always do. When something bad happens, you take shit out on Shay. Every single time. Something goes wrong, and you push her away. It's your automatic response to shit hitting the fan. But now, you can't do that. She's taken so much shit from you. She doesn't deserve this. I get that you're mourning, I fucking get that. But treating her like shit isn't the answer, dude."

"Fuck. I know. Apparently me mourning turns me into the worlds biggest fucking asshole. I don't know why I said what I said. I shouldn't have fucking yelled at her. She perfectly handled me losing my mom, even though she's never been in that type of situation before. She gave me space but made sure I was okay. And I fucking ruined it by going off on her and saying I didn't need her." I lay back on my bed, covering my face with my hands.

"You've got to just let it be, man. Leave her alone for now, it's all up to her at this point. If she wants you back, she'll talk to you eventually. I'm going to talk to her, and tell her you're going to stop contacting her, and that you'll wait until she is ready to talk." He says and I look over at him, ready to go off. But the look on his face is telling me to shut the fuck up.

I let out a sigh, nodding my head. "Fine. No contact. I'd wait for her forever, man. I waited fucking years for her, and I fucked it up already. I'd wait forever."


Shay's POV

I stare up at the ceiling in the room I've been staying in the past few days. I really don't want to be one of those pathetic girls who's world ends because a guy broke up with her, but here I am. All pathetic.

Every time I've tried to eat, I throw it back up. Every time I try to sleep, I see his face. Sometimes it's him being sweet, sometimes it's him yelling that he doesn't need me. Both times, I wake up sobbing, and Riley comforting me.

My phone vibrates next to me, and I see it's Colton calling. I smile slightly, and answer the call, "Hey, Colt."

"Hey Shay, how are you doing today?" He asks, but his tone of voice is underlined with anger.

"I'm fine. What's wrong?"

He lets out a sigh. "Evan came home. He was looking for you and lost it when he found out you moved out and wouldn't let me tell him where you went."

"He can fucking get over it." But I can't help my heart racing knowing he came back for me.

No, don't do that Sasha. He doesn't want you. He doesn't need you.

"I know. I told him not to contact you anymore, and to wait for you to contact him." He tells me.

"If I contact him. But it'll be nice for him to stop fucking blowing up my phone."

"Shay, do me a favor, yeah?" He asks, and I automatically nod, even though he can't see me.

"What is it?" I ask instead.

"Don't forgive him easily. But instead, think about his coping style. This is typical Evan. Something goes wrong, he pushes you away. Don't let him fucking do that. I know you're not in control of what he does, but if you take him back, make sure this is the last time he fucking does it."

"How am I supposed to do that?" I find myself asking.

"He's gone through too much shit the past few years. You need to get him to go to therapy."

Mr. Possessive (Kingsley Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now