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Riley and I finally arrived in Fresno early this morning, after convincing Evan to let me go. It's now noon, and we have an hour until the meeting planned for today. We're meeting for lunch to discuss Shay's Cafe, so I'm not going to dress it up like usual.

I decide on black skinny jeans, and a light pink blouse, with a cream cardigan over it, and black flats. My hair is left wavy, and I just apply mascara to my eyelashes. I look in the mirror, and decide this is good enough. My mood has been all types of funky since my fight with Evan.

Yeah, we made up, but I hated having to leave so soon after. It feels like something is off with us. If I could have stayed just a day more to make sure everything was okay, I would have. Maybe the time apart will help.

"Ready to go?" Riley asks, fixing her high ponytail. She's wearing something similar to me. White skinny jeans, a blue long sleeved blouse, and black flats.

"Yeah, lets go." It's just my parents we're meeting with, so it's pretty casual.

We get to the restaurant, and my dad waves us over to the table they're sat at. I sit across from my dad, and Riley sits across from my mom. "Hey girls, how are you both doing?" My dad asks us.

"I'm doing great! Shay here is in a funk." Riley says with a knowing look. I glare at her, not wanting to discuss my relationship problems.

"What's going on?" My mom asks, her eyes narrowed, looking concerned.

I let out a sigh, deciding to explain. Leaving out some details. "Evan and I got into a fight, and while we made up, it just doesn't feel right being so far from him right now."

My mom and dad look at each other, and just smile. Then my dad looks back over at me. "You're so grown up. Learning that a fight isn't going to break everything in your relationship, but knowing you want to be close to them. Your mom and I learned that the hard way. With the age difference, I would piss your mom off, or we'd breakup, and I would expect her to still be there. But she would leave. Mostly to Seattle." He says and my mom laughs.

"Yeah, I grew up a lot during that time, though. I learned to not run from my problems, and I'm glad you already know not to do that. Taking space is important, but leaving is not a good idea. It adds a strain. But, you guys already made up. Maybe talk to him tonight." She smiles, making me feel better.

"You're right. I'll FaceTime him later on." I smile, looking over the menu.

After we've ordered and received our food, my
dad said it was time to talk business. "So, this is going to be a long process. We break ground in less than a month, but it takes a while to build something this large. It's going to be the next nine months doing this. The back and forth from Los Angeles to here, and even after it's built, we'll need you both to help get it setup."

"When do you think the completion of the cafe construction will be?" I ask, taking a bite of my salad.

"Probably about five months from now. We get the building structure completed, then we work from the ground up for the inside. The framing for it will be done, but then walls go up, and all of that comes after." He explains.

"So what will we be doing up to that point? How often do you need us here in Fresno?" Riley questions. I take a sip of my water and look at my parents for their response.

"After this week, we won't need you to come back until about a month before we start actually working inside the cafe and setting it up. So you guys know how everything will be setup and you can put everything where you want it. Then, when it's fully ready, you'll be there to launch the opening and set all of that up." Mom explains, cutting into her steak, and taking a bite.

"And, before you get worried, the construction crew will have a week off every three weeks." My dad smiles at me, and I let out a relieved sigh. I thought we'd be here more often so I knew I would get to see Evan often. Knowing he'll be able to come home every few weeks makes me feel better.

We finish up our lunch, and Riley and I head back to our hotel room. We have the rest of the day to ourselves, so we plan to do some shopping. But, we decided we wanted to change first. It's too warm out for what I'm currently wearing.

"What are you planning to wear?" I ask Riley, as I search through my suitcase. There's no response though. I turn around, and Riley isn't there anymore.

What the fuck?

I check the bathroom, and closet, the balcony. She's not there. Where the hell did she go? As I'm about to grab my phone to call her, to see where the fuck she disappeared to, there's a knock at the door. Did she fucking lock herself out of the hotel room?

I shake my head at my blonde friend, and walk over to the door. When I open the door, it's not Riley. It's not anyone I expected to see, or only through FaceTime tonight. Evan stands in front of me, with a bouquet of sunflowers and red roses, an adorable smile on his handsome face.

"Hi, love." He grins. I'm still stunned. What is he doing here?

"Evan?" I can't help the wide smile on my face, as I jump into his arms. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me, as my legs wrap around his waist. "What are you doing here?"

"I hated you having to leave right after our fight. I wanted to be with you. I thought maybe FaceTime, but that's not the same. I wanted to be right here, making sure my girl is okay."

I swear, God made me the perfect man.

Mr. Possessive (Kingsley Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now