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"So Sasha, can you explain to me a little more about how your eating disorder happened?" Dr. Price questions, and my eyes flicker to Evan for a moment. We've been here probably a half hour already, as promised with a double session.

"Evan and I broke up, a little over three months ago, and everything just sounded disgusting. Eating makes me throw up, and I'm just exhausted all the time, most likely from the lack of food. I make sure to eat something every day, though." I explain and his eyes are slightly wide.

"My dear, have you taken a pregnancy test?" He suddenly asks, and I choke on air.

"Excuse me?" My voice is high pitched, not sounding like my own.

"Are you pregnant?" He asks again. And I stare at him stunned.

"No! Of course not!"

"Are you sure?" I can't even look at Evan right now, not willing to see what his reaction is. "I'm not saying you don't have an eating disorder, because it definitely sounds like you do, and I'd like to set you up with a dietitian, but it also sounds like you're pregnant."

"I... I haven't taken any tests but... it's been months since..." I trail off, thinking for a moment. The only unprotected sex I've ever had was with Evan. Almost four months ago. Holy fuck.

"Shay..." Evan's voice breaks me from my thoughts. I look at him, bewildered, but he somehow looks calm. "Let's get a test , just in case. We'll figure out the rest later."

I can tell he has more to say, but is holding back. "I know what you're thinking, but Ev... it would be yours if I was." I can see the instant relief on his face.

"We can continue this appointment tomorrow, if you'd like. We still need to discuss some things, and if you're not pregnant, you still have an eating disorder we need to work through." Dr. Price says, and we both nod.

"Let's go." Evan carefully stands up, and I grab his walker. We bid our goodbyes, and leave the room.

"What if though..." I trail off, holding the elevator doors open as Evan steps in. I step in after him, letting the doors shut.

"Let's find out first, okay? Let's not freak out if it's not even a thing." He says calmly. I nod, grateful for his calmness right now, because I'm a ball of anxiety.


We get back to my apartment, with a bag of five tests in my hands. My very shaky hands. I walk towards the bathroom, but Evan grabs my hand, stopping me. I look up at him, confused.

"I just wanted to say that whatever is the outcome, I will always want you. No matter what. We can work through anything together. I know we're not together right now, but I'm not going anywhere. Pregnant or not, you've got me, forever Shay."

I smile up at him, not knowing I needed to hear those words until he said them. "Thank you, Ev. And I'm not going anywhere either."

"Do you want me in there with you?" He asks, motioning to the bathroom. I think about it for a second, then shake my head.

"I'll come out before the timer is up. I might need you to look for me." I smile slightly, and walk to the bathroom, after he lets go of my hand.

All five tests are laid out on the counter, and the timer has started. I open the bathroom door after washing my hands, and see Evan leaning on the wall next to it. He looks over at me, then into the bathroom, and his eyes land on the tests.

"How much longer?" He asks, and I glance down at the timer on my phone.

"One minute." My heart is racing at this point, and I'm even shakier than I was before. Probably due to lack of food, but mostly nerves.

"Here." I look up and see Evan holding out a protein shake for me. I smile at him, and take the shake. I take a small sip, as I watch the timer run down.

"Thank you." I tell him, drinking more of the chocolate flavored shake. "Not just for the shake, but for everything else." He smiles and nods. The timer goes off, and I step out of the bathroom, letting Evan in to look.

"Sasha..." he trails off, looking up at me. "You're pregnant." I carefully set the shake down on the table by the couch, and step into the bathroom. My eyes scan over the tests, as tears stream down my face.

"Oh my god." I whisper, looking up at Evan.

"I know this obviously isn't the ideal time to be finding this out, but we can do this, Shay. We're both working out our own issues, and we can work together on this... this amazing thing." I widen my eyes at his words. "Yes, I say it's amazing. Shay, you and I have both always wanted to be parents. We can do this."

I nod, trying to get myself to believe everything he's just said. "If it's been almost four months since we last had sex... I would be about fourteen weeks pregnant. But no wonder I didn't notice the symptoms, and I go months without a period from my birth control. I'm gonna schedule an appointment with my OBGYN office."

"Okay. Finish your shake, please." He says with a smile. I nod, and sit on the couch, grabbing the shake from the table. I dial my OBGYN office, and schedule and appointment with them. Since it's later in my pregnancy, they want to see me tomorrow.

"I just hope I haven't fucked this baby up with my eating habits lately."

"Everything will be fine. I have a question I have to ask, not out of jealousy, just something I need to know." He says, sitting next to me. I nod for him to continue. "I believe you when you say this baby is mine. I just need to know when was the last time you slept with someone else?"

"It was about a month after we broke up. Despite what you heard, it was only one guy, one time." He nods, looking more relaxed. I know he's trying really hard right now, his jealousy and insecurities were our downfall, and he's working so hard to get past that.

"I don't want this to sound controlling but... while you're pregnant with my baby, please don't see or sleep with anyone else." I can see in his eyes how broken he truly feels about us not being together, and it hurts me too.

"I wasn't even thinking about doing that. You and I are endgame, no matter how long it takes. I don't want anyone else. I only slept with someone else because I thought we were done. But I only want you. Not just because of the baby, it's always been just you."

Mr. Possessive (Kingsley Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now