Ju Chen - China

23 1 0



19th November 2019 


My friends working in the hospital have told me that there may be a new virus arising. Two people have been admitted with similar symptoms and the doctors are unable to figure out what is causing it. They fear it may be a different version of coronavirus, such as SARS and MERS. My father was a reporter and I distinctly remember seeing him on the television talking about the outbreak of SARS when I was younger. We wore masks everywhere we went and washed our hands thoroughly with soap and water after every trip. 

My boss is refusing to let me write about this potentially new virus. He says that hearsay is not enough to convince the people of China. I disagree. People will believe anything if you're convincing enough. 

But alas, I must wait. Let's hope that it is something worth writing about. 

Goodbye for now, 


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