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Chapter Three:

It's been a week since you first started at STAR Labs. You'd mostly help Caitlyn with whatever medical needs there were, and there were a lot. Barry got hurt more often then he'd like to admit. Sometimes, you'd get to hang out with Cisco and help him build things. You absolutely loved it!

You were currently helping Cisco with a new suit for Barry when you were called into the Lab.

"Here, drink this. It should help ease the pain." Caitlyn said, holding out a beaker with a silvery liquid. You quickly downed it and returned the beaker to her hand.
"What was that?" Cisco's voice lingered behind you.
"Nothing," you said as you turned to face him, "just something to ease some.. pain." Hoping that would make him think it was your time-of-the-month and just let it go.


*Cisco's POV*

He gave Caitlyn an odd look and went on his way.
"I'll be back, later. Felicity asked me to go to The Arrow Cave!" he beamed.
"We don't call it that!" Aria called after him. The man turned to look at her before walking out and saw her smiling at him, tucking her hair out her face. He just smiled back at the woman before him and left.


"Hey Cisco! Can you give these to Aria, for me? Caitlyn will know what to do!" Felicity smiled.
"Those are some pretty big needles for her month.." he said quietly, careful to choose your words wisely.
Felicity just smiled and shook her head.

"Is that was she told you?" Oliver said as he walked in, doing the same thing Felicity had done just moments before.
"Okay, what's going on?" he looked between the two.
"Check her back, Ramon." came Aria's voice behind him.
But it wasn't Aria. Her short bob was now long and curly and her ripped jeans and leather jacket traded in for a sun dress and sandals.
The girl just laughed.
"Thea. Aria's twin." she smiled and held out her hand. He shook it giving the girl a questioning look.

"She really hasn't told you, Cisco?" Felicity asked.
"Told me what? You're freaking me out!" he exclaimed.
"When the particle accelerator went off that night, we were out with some friends..." the young girl trailed off.
"How long was she..?" Cisco paused, not being able to comprehend everything just yet.
"Not long, she healed quickly!" Felicity got up and pulled up a file on her computer, smiling at him.
"Come check it out!" she said, motioning towards the computer, "she heals herself faster then Barry does!"

"Who all knows about this?" he asked Oliver.
"Just us and Caitlyn" the man answered.
"But now you do, but healing herself isn't the only thing...Cisco... she has wings." Thea told him.
He froze. "She- she what..?"
"Like an angel, Cisco. But let her tell you in her own time. It's best that way. For now, just keep her safe and take care of her." Oliver told the young man before him, with soft eyes.

"But don't let that keep you from thinking she can't take care of herself, too." Thea warned.


*Aria's POV*

Cisco came back and gave you a gift from Felicity.
You smiled at him and turned to Caitlyn, nodding that it was time.

"Hey Cis-" you started.
You looked back at him and noticed he was already behind you.
"I'm right here, I promise." he whispered, just low enough so only you could here.

You got up on the examination table and took of your shirt only to reveal your dark green bra. You turned to Cisco to see he was blushing, but trying to shrug it off. You just smiled. You were used to being shirtless in front of people, especially as to how much you'd get hurt going on missions with Oli.

"Ready?" Caitlyn asked. Cisco grabbed your hand, knowing it would hurt, to comfort you. You nodded your head and leaned forward. Caitlyn prepped the skin and you jerked back, your skin was already really sensitive. You normally had a really high pain tolerance but the scars of your back were a completely different story.

Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain and then burning pressure throughout your back. You stiffened and attempted to hold back the tears forcing their way from your tear duct. You failed.
Before you could even think, the pain happened all over again. Once Caitlyn had wrapped you up, you just sat there. Numb. Pain still shooting up and down your back. 

You felt a weight pull you down. Snapping out of your trance, you looked around. Cisco was holding you, you're head on his chest. Just the two of you laying on the medical bed. Holding each other. He combed his callused fingers through your short hair and hummed a song as your fell asleep curled against his chest.

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How Aria and Cisco were laying /\

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How Aria and Cisco were laying /\

You felt a shift but made no effort to open your eyes. You were too drained and in too much pain. Then, a soft light weight wrapped you in warmth. You'd been covered in a blanket.  Stirring in comfort, Cisco kissed your forehead.

"Will she be okay?" you heard him whisper.
"She'll be fine, Cisco." Caitlyn responded quietly.

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