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Chapter Six

(This is Aria's Master Bedroom, by the way..)

You stirred as you felt light, gentle kisses all over your face

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You stirred as you felt light, gentle kisses all over your face.
"Good morning, Maravillosa" he whispered, his voice in a low growl. You blushed, thinking the sound of his groggy 'morning' voice was hot.
"Mmm, I could get used to this.." you murmured in between kisses.

He snaked his hand under your crop top, feeling your waist and running his hands along your back, tracing your angel marks.
"Do they hurt?"
"No, not much anymore.. I'm not even sure they serve a purpose, to be honest."
"Purpose or not, I'm sure they're beautiful.. almost as beautiful as you." he smiled and kissed the tip of your nose.
"Very smooth, Ramon"

Suddenly, the door opened "Ari, you up?"
Thea's head popped through the door and she was smiling like a fool.
"I knew it!!" she started jumping up and down.
"Would you calm down!" you whisper-shouted at your twin.
"Oh, I can't wait to tell Oli!"
"Oh, no... Oliver's gonna kill me." Cisco's eyes widened. You just laughed at him and cuddled in closer once your sister had finally left.


I'm sorry, I know this is a short chapter - I had originally planned on doing a breakfast scene with everyone but chucked it aside, because I want the breakfast scene to be close and loving and personal for Cisco and Aria and with everyone else there, my thoughts were scattered. Please forgive me for scraping that idea, but I hope you enjoy the future breakfast scene to come! :)

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