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Chapter Seven:

"Hey, Cait! Come check this out!" you called

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"Hey, Cait! Come check this out!" you called. The sound of her heels echoed around you.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Do my test results seem a bit... odd, to you?" you asked her, handing her the papers.
"It's fluctuated, but they're perfectly normal."
"Okay, thanks, Caity," you smiled.

You felt a hand on the small of your back.
"Have you eaten today?" you felt a breath on your ear. You turned your head to see him smirking down at you.
"Not yet, why?"
"Figured we could maybe have a.... date night." he hummed. You kissed his cheek.
"I'd like that." you said with a smile.
You glanced at Caitlyn, as Cisco walked back to the lab, to find she had a huge grin on her face.
"You know, he's been smiling a lot more since that night. I'm glad you have each other. And I'm so glad there's another girl here, Frost agrees." she smiled as she lifted a finger.


"So, we've got some good news and some bad news," Iris says and she and Barry walk in,"The good news, is that CCPD is still stationed outside of Grace's room and will remain so until Dwyer's been caught."
That's Caitlyn chimed in. "But the bad news is that means Dwyer won't be visiting her again anytime soon."

"Can't we just track him by the dark energy in his dagger?" Barry asked.
"Well, we could!" you said, plopping down in a chair, "BUT he'd have to be using it. Which, thank God, hasn't been recently." you explained.

"And he's not showing up on facial recognition?" Barry asked, turning to Cisco

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"And he's not showing up on facial recognition?" Barry asked, turning to Cisco.
"Unless he decides to make an appearance, we've got zilch." he answered.

That's when 'Wells' spoke up.
"Where is baby giraffe and Nora?" he asked, sipping his tea.
"Ralph is visiting his mom, he said to call if we need him and Nora's-" Caitlyn was cut off.
"Right here!" a voice called, as a streak of purple lightning filled the room, "I just stopped by the loft to pick up your blue suit, I figured you'd had enough of green!" she laughed, handing Barry the hanger.

"What's wrong with green?" you asked, but no one answered. Green was your favorite color.
"I happen to like green." you heard Cisco whisper to you. You just gave a small laugh and shook your head.
"What's the suit for again?" Iris asked.
"Momma Cecile's first day back to the court room and then Dad's testimony against Weather Witch."
Barry chimed in, "Yeah, Joss's trial is today and it starts in...," he trailed off, looking down at his watch,"30 minutes!" in exclaimed in surprise.

Iris, Barry, and Nora all walked out talking amongst themselves over the case and the whereabouts of Joe. You and Caitlyn gave each other a look and Cisco watched, with a weird expression on his face.
"What are you two up to?" he asked
"You ready to get those shards out of your hand?" you smiled at him.
"Hell yes! I haven't been able to play PS4 properly in WEEKS!" Caitlyn just laughed.
"I'll meet you in there." she told him glancing at you and smiling.
"You okay?" you asked him with worried eyes.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." he said before giving you a kiss on your forehead.
"C'mom let's go get those hands back to normal." you smile.


"Gotcha!" Caitlyn said, pulling a piece of shrapnel from Cisco's hand. He squirmed in his seat.
You gently rubbed his shoulders.
"Alright, almost done. Micro-scale surgery ISN'T the easiest." she said, looking through the microscope at his hand.

"Is that why you missed these the first time?" he asked giving her a sour look. You just shook your head.
"Hey now.." she warned. Cisco made a face and tensed up as Caitlyn pushed her tweezers back into his wound. With a final pull, she removed the last piece. "Alright, there you go. Your hands are
officially dagger shard free." She exclaimed, putting down her tweezers.
"Oh hallelujah..." he sighed, wiggling his fingers.

Caitlyn's eyes flashed, as Killer Frost appeared. She began to freeze his wound to close it so it could heal faster and with less probability of infection.
"Meta sutures for meta wounds.. clever." he said shaking his hand slightly, due to the cold. He suddenly pulled his hand back.

"Ahhhhhh-! Note to self: ice healing actually hurts!"
"Don't be a wuss." Killer Frost said before getting Caity back. You couldn't help but to chuckle.
"Wuss... I'm not a wuss." he mouthed as Caitlyn turned around grabbing the wrap. She just smiled.

"It seems you're getting this whole Caitlyn-Killer Frost down pat." you said, wrapping your arms around Cisco's to reach for a grape lollipop.
"Not totally, but it is getting easier to switch to Killer Frost when I need to." she explained, as Cisco eyed you down. As Caitlyn told him how the healing process would work, you unwrapped the sucker and popped it into your mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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