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Chapter Four:

You woke up, pain shooting through your back, you jerked up.
"Hey, you're awake" you turned to see Oliver smiling at you from a chair.
"Oli? What are you doing here?" you asked, a yawn coming after.
"I had to pick up a couple things Cisco's been working on for me. He told me what happened. How're you feeling, Shorty?"

You crinkled your nose at the name shorty. Thea's nickname was Speedy because she was fast. But yours. Well, it was pretty self explanatory. While you stood at 5"2, Thea towered over you at 5"5.

"I'm okay... Just.. in a lot of pain." you signed.
"Oh hey, you're awake.." you turned to see a blushing Cisco standing in the doorway. You gave him a soft smile.
"Thank you" you choked. He just gave you his signature goofy smile before turning to Oliver.
"Might wanna check it out first."
You watched the guys leave the room before closing your eyes again.

You couldn't be falling for Cisco.. could you?

"Hey, you feeling any better?" Caitlyn's soft voice approached. You opened your eyes and nodded.
"A little."
"Do you remember what happened?"
"Mostly.." you smiled remembering
She smirked and pulled out her phone.

Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped.
She'd pulled it from the security feed.
You just blushed and looked the other way.

"You like him, don't you?" she smirked.
"I- maybe..." she gave you a look. "Yes..."

You heard a noise at the door and saw Oliver standing there. Grinning. From ear to ear.
"He likes you, too."
"You guys set this up, didn't you?" your eyes widened in realization as you looked between the two.
"Oliver! Caitlyn! I swear I'm gonna kill the both of you!" you raised your voice.
"What the hell did I just walk into" Cisco asked, furrowed his eyebrows.
"N-nothing, you walked into nothing." you quickly said.
"Riiiight." he responded, dragging out the 'i' - he then turned to Oliver and handed him a small metal briefcase.
"Thanks Cisco." he said quietly. He whispered something more but you couldn't make it out.
"Bye Shorty." you watched Oliver smile at you and wink before walking out. You just shook your head.

Open Your Eyes (Cisco Ramon)Where stories live. Discover now