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Chapter Five:

In light of your recovery, Thea had decided to throw a party. Only, at your apartment.
You'd been cleaning and setting up everything all day while Thea had made sleeping arrangements and went out to get the food and drinks.

Group Chat (Aria Phone POV)

Evil Twin:
Oliver and Felicity - Guest Room #1
Barry and Iris - Guest Room #2
Caity and I - Pullout Couch
Ari and Cisco - Master Room

Snow Queen:
That sounds awesome, Thea!
Just as long as you don't kick me! Lol

My Sweet Cisco:
Oh, don't I feel special!

No funny business, Ramon!


Seriously guys?

Evil Twin:
Oh, shut up Ari, everyone
knows you two have feelings
for each other! I ship it!

Future Mrs.Allen:
I ship it! #Ciscoria

The Flash:

Okay, enough of that!
Everyone coming at 5?

My Sweet Cisco:
Yup! See you then! :)

Evil Twin:
Hey Aria? Could you make
me some coffee? Pretty please?

You're literally IN THE KITCHEN.
Fine. I'm coming.


You heard the door open and in came everyone. You all sat in the living room.
Everyone was sitting either on the couch, in a chair, or on a table, while you sat on the ground by Cisco's feet. You looked up at him when he gently tapped you leg with his foot, he bucked his head back, motioning for you to get up and sit with him.

Getting up, smiling at him, you left for the kitchen. He got up, curious, and followed. Grabbing shot glasses and tequila, you smirked as you passed him, handing him some glasses, and you both went into the living room.


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You'd been taking shots with the group for a little over an hour now. You guys had played "Twister" and several rounds of "Get Down, Mr.President!"

Everyone went from sitting comfortably to being in a human pile on top of Oliver. You and Thea shared a weird look and then burst out in fits of laughter, laughing at each other's facial expressions.
Soon, everyone was laughing at everyone else.
Everyone was tired and drowsy and Barry was SUPER drunk. Iris excused herself and sent Barry to bed, only to never return.

"It's getting later, late? Later. M-maybe we should call it a ni-ght" Oliver slurred. Everyone agreed. Oliver and Felicity went to bed and you helped Caitlyn and Thea pullout the couch before heading to the bedroom.

"You okay, Aria?" Cisco asked. He hardly drank as he was just enjoying everyone making a fool of themselves. He was the most sober out of everyone.

"Wha- ye- yeah. I'm cool. As a cucumber." you stirred, taking off your shirt and jeans.
"Aria, you know you have a bathroom, right?"
You huffed, struggling to put on the tank top you'd just pulled out from your dresser drawer.


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"Help... please?" you pouted, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"C'mere.." he sighed, giving in.

Once he pulled your tank top over your chest, he pulled you back down with him. You squealed out of surprise. You just shook your head.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"N-nothing!" you yelped out.

Just tell him!
But what if he doesn't like me...
What if he rejects me...
Tell him anyways!
No, don't!
Yes, do it!

"Aria..?" he asked, putting a hand on your shoulder, making you jump up off the bed.
"I like you!" you blurted out.
His eyes widened and he looked surprised.
"I- I shouldn't said that... I- I'm sorry.." you said as you started to leave.

Suddenly, a force pulled you back and around.
"I like you, too" Cisco whispered. Before you could react, he kissed you. Startled, you froze until you realized what was happening, then you started to kiss him back, melting in his arms. You both broke away, pressing your foreheads against each others, laughing.

"C'mon, let's go to bed. After tonight, you definitely need some sleep." he smiled his signature goofy grin as he pulled you on the bed once more. You snuggled against him, his chin resting on the top of your head as he gently rubbed your back, tracing the outlines of your scars.

"I know they told you.. Felicity can't really keep a secret.." you said looking up into his eyes. He just laughed.
"She really can't." he agreed.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.. I just.." you sniffled, trying to hold back a tear.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. Shhhh, it's okay, maravillosa"
He wiped the under your eyes and kissed your forehead.

You looked up at him questionably

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You looked up at him questionably.
"What does that mean?" you gave him a confused smile.
"It means 'gorgeous, wonderful, amazing, and magnificent' - mostly used for gorgeous, though all those meanings do apply to you, as well."
You kissed him as you allowed him to run his fingers through your hair, pulling you into him even more.

"Maravillosa.." you smiled as you hummed into his chest.
"Maravillosa" he repeated in a whisper.

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