Chapter 15

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We all piled out of the car. Harry wasted no time and ran into the club and went straight to the bar. I felt bummed because I had to use my crutches. Louis helped me down the stairs to the club. "Louis, don't let me hold you back. Go have fun, I'll be fine by myself" I said as we got to the bottom of the stairs. He picked my head up, "No Marrissa, we are going to have fun. I'm never going to leave your side." Louis went to give me a kiss but I turned my head away. "I'm only going to hold you back from having fun, Louis. This cast and the crutches are in the way of us having fun." Louis shook his head, "give me those," he reached for my crutches. "But I ne-" "Trust me, just hand them over" "No" I started playing around with him and he knew it too. He kept going to grab them from me, but I kept backing away from him. And he just kept on getting closer. "Come on Marrissa!" he started whining. "No" He started whining more. "I said no Louis" he backed me into a corner. And he reached for them again but I held on tight. "No means no." Louis came closer to me, nose to nose. He yanked the crutches out of my hands and threw them on the concrete floor. "Listen missy, if that ever happens again, you're in for big trouble" he said seductively pressed against my lips. He gave me a kiss. "Can't wait" I said pushing him playfully away. I bent down to get my crutches but Louis' hands stopped me. "I'm serious, no crutches. They only get in the way." I stood up straight, "but my leg is broken, I can't put any pressure on it." "Marrissa, your leg isn't broken. It's only bruised, the doctor just wanted you to believe that so that you would rest." "Why didn't you just tell me you idiot" I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Now help me get this cast off" "Actually, hold on for a minute" Louis disappeared up the stairs. Then Julia emerged from the club, "what's taking you guys so long?" "I don't know where Louis went, but I'm taking my cast off because apparently I never had a broken leg." "Oh, well hurry up. You're missing everything!" "Ok, we'll be right there." Julia disappeared into the blackness of the club. I struggled while taking my cast off. Once it was off I felt so relieved, no more itches I can't scratch. Then Louis came running down the stairs with something in his hands. "Surprise!" he yelled showing me a gorgeous pair of red pumps. "They're gorgeous! Are they for me?" "Of course, I don't know any other girl that has size 11 feet" Louis said mocking me. "At least I'm tall!" I said mockingly back. "Shut up" he mumbled under his breath. I took my one sandal off and slipped on the pumps. "You look gorgeous" "Thanks babe, it even matches my dress" I put my arms around his neck. "If they didn't I would have to get you another pair. I can't stand it when people wear shoes that don't match their outfit" "I love you" "I love you too love" I giggled and he pulled me in for a kiss. "I'm ready to have some fun, lets go!" I yelled leading him through the door. I immediately ran over to where Julia and Sam were dancing. "It's about time you showed up!" Sam yelled over the loud music. Surprisingly, they weren't drunk, yet. Louis grabbed my waist from behind, "want a drink babe?" "Sure" I said leaning back so that my head was on his shoulder. "Ok, I'll be right back." "Where's Amber?" I asked. "I don't know, the last time I saw her she was heading over to the stage!" Julia yelled. "Oh yah" Sam said and then took out her phone. Louis cam back over to us and gave us all drinks. "Thanks babe" "Thanks Lou" Sam said. "Yeah, thanks" said Julia. "No problem" All of a sudden the music stopped and there was a spotlight on the stage and under it was Amber. We all moved in closer. "Hey guys! I'm Amber and I'm from America visiting to see my friend Marrissa and her boyfriend Louis." she began. "Get on with it!!" somebody yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Anyway! It's her birthday and I know she thought that we all forgot about it...but we didn't. So today's she's turning the big 2-0 so I think we should all sing to her!!!" Harry then ran up onto the stage and took the mic out of her hands. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...!" he started singing and everybody else chimed in. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Happy birthday to you!" everybody finished. I gave Louis and hug and my friends joined in. Amber came off of the stage with Harry and I gave them both a big hug.

"Thank you guys so much! This is the best birthday ever!" Then Louis put his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes, "The night isn't over yet." Then Harry dragged me onto the dance floor. Harry was dancing behind me while Louis was dancing facing me. Julia and Sam were dancing beside us, where was Amber? "Guys, I'm going to go find Amber. I'll be right back" "Ok" they both said, I could smell the alcohol in their breath. I went over to the bar to see if she was there, she wasn't. Then I ran into the bathroom, "Amber?!?!" I heard crying coming from the handicapped stall. "Amber, what's the matter?" She opened the stall and had mascara running down her cheeks. I walked over to her,"Harry's the matter...I'm not good enough for him!" "Amber..." "I finally get the chance to meet him and I thought he was interested," she caught her breath, "but whenever I go to talk to him or dance with him he moves to another girl!" "Amber, he does like you. He told me when we were on the way back home from the hospital. Harry just gets distracted, very easily. I bet you that if you go up to him and ask him if he likes you he'll say yes." "Really?" "Hell yeah, c'mon" I helped Amber wipe the mascara off her cheeks and took her back on the dance floor, Sam and Julia were talking to some guys at the bar. I pushed Amber into Harry while I stood back and watched and listened. "Watch where you're goin-oh, hi Amber" he turned around to go dance with another girl. I saw Amber grab his shoulder roughly, "No Harry, hi isn't good enough for me! You haven't once had a conversation with me and you've been avoiding me all night by dancing with strangers! Harry, are you even listening to me you idiot?!?!" Harry had a smile on his face. "You're so hot when you're mad" "Harry, I'm serious!!" Harry got closer to her and kissed her, that's when they started to get deeper in the crowd. Louis then stepped in front of me and blocked my view, a smile spread across our faces.

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