Chapter 4

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Namjoon's POV

"HEY THERE'S A CHANGE IN PLANS! THE DATE OF THEIR TESTS HAVE BEEN CHANGED!"I yelled as I ran towards them. I watched as the five newcomers' faces turn into fear while my six friends widened their eyes in shock.

"WHAT? But, that means... THEY ONLY HAVE TONIGHT TO PREPARE THEMSELVES FOR THE TEST?" Jin hyung stood up, startling Kai who was sitting beside him. I nodded slowly at the oldest, who started panicking.

"Wait, what do you mean prepare for the test? Isn't it gonna be like Harry Potter where we just put some hat on our heads or something?" Beomgyu asked innocently, not understanding why we were so afraid. "NO! THEY'LL BE TESTING YOUR POWERS DURING THE TEST! THATS WHY YOU WERE GIVEN ONE MONTH TO FIND YOUR POWER!" Suga hyung who always kept a poker face, looked like he was panicking as well.

The five friends exchanged nervous glances before Yeonjun spoke up. "How exactly are we supposed to find our powers? Like is there some way for us to find out?" "It's against the rules for us to tell you how you are supposed to find your power. You have to figure this out yourselves. Good Luck!" I said quietly, pulling my six friends away from the canteen table. We walked back to our dormitory, keeping quiet the whole way.

"Hyungs? Why did the Headmaster suddenly decide to shift the test forward?" Jungkook asked us after we collapsed on the couch in the living room. I shrugged, "I'm not sure but have any of you noticed anything different about them?"

"No, they seem like perfectly fine boys to me. Why? Is there something wrong with them?" Hoseok said, looking at me for answers. "Well, as all of you know, my power is to read people's mind. I read four of their minds, Yeonjun's, Soobin's, Taehyun's and Beomgyu's and I've found out what their powers are." Jin hyung said slowly, taking his time.

"What about Kai?" Taehyung asked curiously. "That's the problem. I tried every method to read Kai's mind, even the most difficult methods. But, I've been blocked every single time. I can't access his mind at all, let alone find out his power." Jin said, looking troubled.

"Huh? But this doesn't make sense. Have this ever happened before?" I asked, looking extremely concerned. Shaking my head, he changed the topic. "So, do you think the boys will be able to find out what their power is before tomorrow morning?" he asked, slightly worried for the boys. "I'm sure they'll be able to do it, let's have confidence in them." Jimin replied, although he didn't seem to believe in his own words. "Alright guys, lets get an early night and support them tomorrow!" Jin hyung rushed us up to bed without another word.

Taehyun's POV
We watched as our hyungs hurried towards their dormitory, before looking at each other nervously again. "Alright, I guess we should start looking for our powers?" Soobin, being the leader among the five of us suggested. "How? " I asked quietly, worry etched on my face. "Well, we never know if we don't try. Why don't we head to the dorm first, we can see what we can do from there?" Yeonjun hyung asked, standing up from his seat.

Within a few minutes, we arrived at the dorm and slipped out of our sneakers. Beomgyu hyung immediately headed to a room that none of us had entered yet. "Hyung? Where are you going?" I asked curiously. "There must be something here for us! They can't just expect us to miraculously find our powers, can they?" he answered, wrenching the door open. Nodding my head, I followed him as we stepped into the new room. It was a library.

"Great, let's get some books to read. Maybe they'll teach us how to find our powers!" I exclaimed excitedly as I gestured for Yeonjun, Soobin and Kai to come. We each grabbed a book from the shelf and started reading.

After about an hour or so, the pile of books that we had read was getting larger and larger. I sighed as I continue scanning through the book I was holding for relevant information. Suddenly, something caught my eye. "Guys, look at this. There's a list of powers in this book, and more importantly (and confusingly) there are colours beside them!" I shouted, catching their attention. Yeonjun hyung crawled beside me, tired out from the past hour of constant reading. The five of us read the paragraph over and over again.

"But what does the colours stand for?" Beomgyu asked after five minutes of silence. "Wait! Remember about our hyungs' wings? What if the colour of the wings defines their power!" I widened my eyes as it clicked. "Jin hyung's wings are pink aren't they? And he has a mind-reading power! It all matches!"

Excellent, you have found out the clue to unlocking your powers. Congratulations!

We jumped in shock as we looked around the room scanning for strangers.

I am a Artificial Intelligence robot, hidden behind the walls. Do not try to look for me.

We shuddered and huddled close together.

Please get ready.

"AHHH!" Yeonjun hyung let out a ear-piercing scream as he held onto his head tightly before collapsing on the floor, knocked out cold. I was about to help him up when my head started hurting as well. I took a last glance at my friends who seemed to be struggling as well, before it all became dark.

(A/N) hey guys!! a big thank you to everyone who have been reading my book, do feel free to leave comments (i do love reading comments 🥰) on another note, I feel like a clown when I thought that TXT was going to release their comeback schedule or something a few days ago 😜 did taehyun make fun of us when he said that on weverse :(

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