Chapter 7

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Kai's POV

"Finally, Huening Kai!" Prof. Kihyun announced into the microphone. i walked unsteadily onto the stage, eyes wandering around, searching for my hyungs. After a few seconds, I spotted them on the other side of the stage. I was about to run towards them when I caught sight of the two ferocious dragons. Turning pale, I started taking deep irregular breaths.

"KAI!" I could hear Yeonjun yelling for me. Unconsciously, I used my hand to stroke through my hair, pushing my cap onto the floor. Immediately, everyone on the floor started whispering amongst themselves.

"What? Why are his horns white?"
"Has there ever been people with white horns?"
"He's so weird!"

I could hear the murmurs of the crowd downstage. Screaming, I covered my ears, crouching down onto the stage.

Taehyun's POV
"Hyungs DO SOMETHING!" I shouted at my hyungs. Yeonjun was staring at Kai with widened eyes, Soobin was holding onto Yeonjun, supporting the older one from fainting and Beomgyu was just standing there, not knowing what to do.

"CHOI BEOMGYU! KAI NEEDS OUR HELP NOW!" I shook Beomgyu, my voice breaking Yeonjun's and Soobin's thoughts. "I'm trying! He's not letting me get into his mind!" Beomgyu concentrated on Kai, only to almost faint due to the lack of energy after he wasted it, trying to attain a connection between his and Kai's mind.

I looked desperately at Soobin, who shook his head, indicating that he couldn't read Kai's mind either. I couldn't hold back any longer. Pushing past my hyungs, I ran towards Kai. I could hear my hyungs running after me, trying to help Kai as well. Just as we were about to reach Kai, we were all thrown back by a invisible force.

I widened my eyes as I saw Kai rising into the air, with a protective bubble around him. He was glaring at the dragons and before any of us knew what happened, the two dragons were also in a bubble, except... one was drowning in a bubble of water... and the other was getting burned to death...

"Taehyun!" I heard Soobin hyung yell, before I felt myself being pushed away. I realised Soobin hyung had only pushed me away just in time, before the two dragons fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

"KAI!" The next moment, I heard Beomgyu hyung scream and someone ran past us at his fastest speed. Yeonjun hyung ran towards Kai, who was falling at an abnormally fast pace, after the bubble was gone. Soobin helped me to my feet and together the three of us ran towards Yeonjun. Fortunately, Yeonjun managed to catch Kai in his arms safely, and slowly he lowered him down to the floor.

Yeonjun's POV
After we were thrown back by an invisible force, I watched in horror and amazement as the maknae killed the two dragons. Then, I realised something was wrong. The protective bubble around Kai was flickering. Without thinking, I ran as fast as I could towards Kai, holding my arms out to catch him. As I expected, Kai started falling from the height at an abnormally fast pace and luckily, I managed to catch him.

I looked at his adorable face, with his eyes closed and slowly lowered him down onto the floor so that the others could surround him. It was silent in the hall now, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Prof. Kihyun and Shownu were now quietly discussing about what to do.

A few minutes later, I could hear footsteps behind us. Turning around and covering my dongsaengs protectively and instinctively, I realised that Headmaster Bang was walking towards us. "It's okay Yeonjun. Prof. Minhyuk will send Kai to the hospital wing, he's probably tired out from the over-exertion. As for the other four of you, follow me." The headmaster nodded to a orange-haired man who picked Kai up and walked off towards the hospital wing. I looked at Kai one last time, before pulling on the other three's arms, leading the way as we followed the headmaster.

Finally, we arrived at the headmaster's office. We walked in after the headmaster, who immediately sat down behind his desk. We stood awkwardly near the door. I held Beomgyu's clammy hand, trying to calm him down.

"Boys, I'm sure you know your allocations by now. Soobin and Beomgyu, you are angels and Taehyun and Yeonjun, you are devils. As for Kai..." Headmaster Bang trailed off, looking unsurely at us who were staring at him expectantly. "Well surely, Kai will stay here right? Nothing wrong is going to happen to him?" Soobin asked, staring at the headmaster with hard cold eyes. Afraid that he might attack the headmaster, I held his hand, reassuring him.

"Of course, we will keep him here with you. Nothing will change. But... I already knew from the beginning that there was something different about Kai. I couldn't read his mind like I could read others..." The headmaster smiled weakly at us. "Then? What's wrong with Kai? Why are his horns white?" Taehyun snapped.

"There is a legend. A boy, believed to be the only pure descendant of the first magicians, will have white horns. The boy will have all four of the natural powers, the ability to control water, fire, earth and wind. He will have eleven friends, and they will stick together no matter what happens. The eleven of them will be the ones who will save the magical world." The headmaster said quietly, looking at us for our reactions.

"Wait... what do you mean save the magical world?" I asked, registering his words in my head. "I... I'm not sure about that yet... now how about you visit Kai in the hospital wing, I'm sure Prof. Minhyuk has already given him the medicines and woken him up? But please, keep the legend a secret from his for now." Something told me the headmaster knew more than he was saying, but I didn't intend to argue with him. All I wanted to do was to find Kai and protect him with my life.

Pulling my dongsaengs gently, I bowed to the headmaster and led the way to the hospital wing. When I pushed open the large mahogany door of the hospital, I found Prof. Minhyuk and BTS talking at a corner of the room. Kai was lying down on a bed on the other side.

"KAI! ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT?" Taehyun ran past us to get to his best friend. The other three of us also rushed towards Kai, bombarding him with questions. All Kai could do, was to smile weakly at us. BTS surrounded Kai's bed as well and looked sadly at us. Finally, Kai looked at us and asked.

"What happened?"

(A/N) I decided to add Monsta X as professors in this book hehe, do y'all like the book so far? I was thinking of starting a book for Pentagon, is it a good idea to work on two books at a time?

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