Chapter 18

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???'s POV
"Sir, they're reached the door to our base, is it time?"
"Do it."

Hoseok's POV
"I see you have made it to our base?" A loud voice rang out. I jumped in shock and clung onto Jin hyung, who looked slightly shaken as well.

"But don't you think it's a little toooo easy for you, hmm?" the same voice came out from a nearby speaker. I looked around in fear, expecting to see an ambush, but surprisingly, after a long few seconds, there wasn't anyone popping out behind a wall, ready to kidnap us.

"Oh, no. An ambush would be too boring for you, don't you think?" the voice continued, as though they could see us looking around fearfully. Namjoon stepped forward and tried to open the door in front of us. No matter how many times he tried to wrench it open, it remained firmly shut. A loud bang caused us to whip our heads around. The door that we had just came through was also shut

"Shit." Jin ran to the door, trying to kick it open but to no avail. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?" I yelled, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Ah simple. I'm sure you've heard of the legend? that, of course, is why we kidnapped the boys, and i'm sure you already know we didn't treat them, well, let's just say, as well as you would've wanted us to, maybe you won't even be able to recognise them if you ever see them again~" the voice taunted us. My mind worked at top speed, and I immediately moved to hold onto Taehyun.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Beomgyu yelled, trying to pull away from Yoongi and Taehyung, who were now hugging him, trying to prevent him from hurting himself. "Beomgyu, calm down, please" Yoongi refused to let him go, and instead pleaded for him to calm down, although it was obviously not helping.

"Well, you'll see. That is, if you ever manage to escape from that dungeon," the voice chuckled wickedly. "LET YEONJUN AND HUENINGKAI GO. NOW." Soobin's face was red with fury, with his surprising strength, he pushed Jin and Jungkook away and rushed to the door, pounding on it with force.

"That won't work, we managed to trick you to go to our most secure dungeon using a couple of fake soldiers, so just kicking the door, simply won't help you to escape dearie~" the voice laughed.

Taehyun, who rarely got angry, now looked extremely scary and seemed ready to punch everyone who attempted to hurt him or his loved ones. He pushed me and Jimin aside without even breaking a sweat and rushed to Soobin's side.

By now, Beomgyu had also successfully escaped from Yoongi's and Taehyung's hold and the three of them tried to collectively kick the door open but to no avail.

"There are ten of you in the dungeon, so that means you only have ten minutes to escape before your air supply runs out. Well then, good luck~" the voice cackled before the crackling of the speakers could be heard and then all was silent.

"Okay, we have to think. There has to be a way out of here. We just have to stay calm and...SOOBIN NO!" Namjoon was taking deep breaths and trying to calm everyone down until he saw what Soobin was doing. The younger boy repeatedly slammed himself against the door but not even a slightest creak could be heard from the door. The only difference was that there were now bruises on Soobin's side and if he continued to do this, he could get more injuries. Taehyun pulled Soobin back and hugged him, calming him down while healing his wounds.

"BTS, start looking around. As for TXT...just...stay calm. We will get out of here and save Yeonjun and HueningKai," Namjoon nodded at BTS, who immediately spread out to find any hidden gateways or clues. Beomgyu, Taehyun and Soobin sank to the ground, cuddling with each other as they hoped against hope that the other 2 were safe.

(A/N) hewo, i hoped this lifted your spirits today hehe i have THREE TESTS this week and i already know im going to fail all of them :( sigh, anw i hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one!! (do continue leaving questions for me to answer for the q/a section a few chapter ago!! i'll answer them once i have three questions per member 🥰)

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