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(Play the music above if you want)

(Warning I am terrible in writing romance so this might come out as sappy or cringe)


As the bells rang in the school's hallway, Yashiro Nene skips in delight as she runs to the girl's bathroom in glee. It has already been a year and Yashiro Nene has been on edge about it, even walking through the streets, she always felt uneasy thinking if this would be the place she would die.

Walking into the bathroom there she saw her dear friend Hanako-kun staring at the window silently. "Hanako-kun! Good Morning!" Yashiro cheered getting the attention of the ghost.

He turned around and smile "Yashiro! Good Morning!" He walked over to her and squished her cheeks. "Haaah its already been a year since we met.....are you doing alright?" He smiled worryingly.

Yashiro nodded "Don't worry I took extra precautions I asked my parents to get me insurance and take me to school so I won't get run over and I made sure to eat healthily just in case If I die through health problems and more!" She said proudly.

Hanako snickered "hehe just making sure..." He said still a bit worried. It was still a bit early in the morning so not many people still arrived meaning the school was in total silence. "So why so early practically the gates are still deserted with 10 students coming in?"

Hanako broke the silence "O-oh ah..." She gave out a light blush "I wanted to see you early today and my parents are going to work early sooo " It was an awkward silence.

Hanako then broke the silence "Haaaah whats with the awkward silence today!~" He finally cheered floating towards the girl. "I should be asking you that! You're the one who started the awkward conversation!" She complained pouting in response.

The ghost laughed "Hmmm I guess so sorry! so don't give me that look!" He yelled while Yashiro still pouting "It's your fault!" She yelled back.

"Besides we shouldn't be acting like this!!" Yashiro shouted again "Today might be my last year spending time with you so I have to spend happy memories before I die and this is not what I have in mind!!" She complained.

Hanako was now left to apologizing frantically while Yashiro was still pouting. After a few minutes, Hanako then started to hold hands with Yashiro to finally make her listen.

"Ok ok sorry alright I was just....worried" He mumbled the last part in a light blush "I know I know, but still Im already starting to get tired of watching you and Kou-kun scramble around just to make sure I don't die!" Yashiro complained.

"That's called being a friend isn't it?" Hanako grin "Or being a lover?" His grin grew wider leaving a bright face Yashiro to the ground "Hanako-kun!!!" She yelled in embarrassment "Sorry was only teasing!~" He jokingly said.

Soon minutes went by and they both could hear students coming in "Woooow that was fast how long were we talking?" He asked looking over the entrance of the bathroom "I-I don't know?!?!" Yashiro yelled still bright face.

"Well Im guessing we still have few more hours before the class starts so start cleaning the bathroom now Yashiro!~" Hanako yelled while Yashiro stood up and moped around walking towards the mop.

As she silently mops the floors in silence Hanako was left staring at her without her notice. A few minutes went by finally noticing the awkward silence that returned "Eeeh Hanako-kun are you alri-".

She was interrupted by a sudden hug around her back "Im sorry it's just...Im uneasy right now..." He replied looking down over Yashiro's shoulder. "I know" She replied patting his hands that were on her chest in comfort.

"I can't shake the feeling that this is your last year, or maybe last month, week, or even day..." He said as he hugged her even tighter "I know" She replied still comforting him "I can't shake off this uneasy feeling..." He admitted.

Yashiro then turned around facing him and held Hanako's shoulders tightly "Hanako-kun I don't know why but I don't feel burdened that Im dying!" She admitted cheerfully "Eh?" Hanako tilted his head slightly.

"True I'll never get to meet my prince charming, true I'll never get the chance to have a more feminine body, it's TRUE I'll never get to fix my ankles but knowing I made a friend who wholeheartedly cares and worries about me, I'll probably feel at ease once I die!" Yashiro cheered.

Hanako was left speechless blinking at Yashiro "If it makes you any better..." She brought out her hand and pulled out her pinky "I promise that we'll get to spend time together more and make sure I don't die too fast within this year!" She smiled putting her pinkie right in the middle of the gap between them.

"......Promise?" Hanako then brought out his pinkie "Promise!" She connected them in joy leaving the young ghost with a smile.

Yashiro then connected their hands with the ghost and smiled "So c'mon, Kou-kun must be outside right now heading overhear so~~~~~"

As Yashiro was spouting out her plans Hanako then noticed a sudden hue of green light surrounding the room. Surprisingly Yashiro never noticed and kept talking about her plans for the day while cheerfully closing her eyes.

Hanako turned around and noticed the bright green light that was seemingly blocking the sun he turned around about to face his friend "Um Yashiro there is someth-" Before he could finish, there in front of him was no longer his dear friend he cared for.

He now saw Yashiro Nene face to feet turned into stone posing her bright smile and only her outfit was left untouched, "Yashiro?!? Yashiro?!?!" He yelled letting go of his hands and touched the girl's face "YASHIRO WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?" He yelled.

"No wait don't tell me...YASHIRO!!" He yelled once more until suddenly he had an idea "Tsuchigomori..." He ran off looking for the No.5 apparition until he stopped staring in horror as he saw students in the halls turned to stone as he was hesitating to move forward he stopped bumping into a familiar face.

Minamoto Kou who seems to be approaching the girl's bathroom turned to stone "W-what the-" His sweatdropped and stared in horror once again. "OI NO.7!!!" He was brought back to reality to see Tsuchigomori running over along with the no.2 apparition.

"No.5, No.2!!" Hanako shouted and rushed over the man who was going down the stairs and was with the kitsune creature they caught up to each other now facing face to face "What's happening?!?" The three said in unison which then they straightened there posture.

"W-wait none of you guys know?!" Hanako said in a panic "WHY WOULD WE?!?! One moment we were just reading a book seconds later all of the students were turned into stone!!" The fox yelled turning herself back to human.

"Amane Amane!!!" The three heard a voice shouting they looked at the direction where it's coming from and saw the twin of the young Hanako coming. "Tsu-kasa?" Hanako spoke.

The twin proceeded to hug his brother "Amane Amane look suddenly everybody has been turned to stone even my assistant!!!" He yelled "......Do you know what happened?" He asked finally speaking.

The twin shook his head "Well don't go blaming me why would I go and start stoning everybody even my assistant!" He yelled.

Soon the green hue surrounding them disappeared, they looked at the direction where it once came from and noticed the green light was gone.

It was silence until Hanako spoke "What the hell is going on...." soon a drop of tear was in his face, "Yashiro...."


(Again I am terrible at writing romance but I will do my best)

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