Part 7

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Roli was in her dreamland...

Siddhant came there with a smile...

Siddhant: Roli.. where are you lost...

Roli: Yes Siddhant... I am lost in that Bharatwaj...

Siddhant: Bharatwaj!!!

Roli: yes.. that was the name of my man...

Siddhant: Roli i cant tolerate all this ok... Remember i love you and you are telling me about some bharatwaj as my man...

Roli: HI Siddhant... i am in good mood thinking about him and dont talk something like this and irritate me ok...

SIddhant: Oh!  I am irritating you...

Roli: Then what... i am already wondering how to locate him... you are talking something else...

Siddhant: By the way how you came to know about his name???

Roli: In the wrestling match...

Siddhant: Oh!!! That terrible match!!!

Roli: Yes.. you know he too played the match.. not only that.. he won the match too.. Why match alone.. this Roli too...

SIddhant: OMG!!! Roli.. you have gone mad...

Roli: Siddhant i am ready to go mad... i told you already right.. But he is my love.. he is my life...

SIddhant: WHo!!! That unknown man!!!  See Roli.. i am in front of you and you are not ready to accept me.. while you are behind some unknown man...

Roli: May be he is unknown now.. but not forever... 

Roli got up from there leaving Siddhant smile at her...

Siddhant was disturbed by the call in his mobile...

He took the mobile and saw it is from his house...

Siddhant:Yes Maaji...

Sujatha: Siddhant.. when are you returning home.. it is already 8 now...

Siddhant: 8.. OH!  I didn't realise.. i am coming...

Siddhant took his bag and walk towards his car...

He started his journey towards his house...

Siddhant was thinking...

Roli... How are you...

Why cant you understand me...

Why cant you hear my words...

Why you left me and go...

But where you are realising the actual reason...

You are in your own decision and taking everything wrong...

You can understand only if you hear me right...

How many days went even seeing you...

I always think of meeting you...

But you told me not to meet you otherwise you will go out of this city itself...

Atleast you are little near by.. I cant afford you to go out of this city.. far away from me...

That is why keeping quiet...

But i believe... You will understand me and come back to me...

Siddhant smiled...

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