Part 10

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Roli & Siddhant were going in the car...

Roli: Siddhant... i want to talk to you...

Siddhant: Ok.. tell me...

She saw a park on the way...

Roli: Can we stop the car and talk in the park... It is something important...

Siddhant: Sure...

Siddhant parked the car and they entered inside the park...

There were none in the park being untime...

They went near a big tree and stood below the tree..

Siddhant: tell me Roli...

Roli: SIddhant.. Please stop this marriage...

Siddhant: Why Roli??? 

Roli: You are asking as if dont know the reason... you know i love someone else.. then why are you doing like this???

Siddhant: Roli, I asked your hands only after knowing all those... then what is the problem...

Roli: But i cant Siddhant... Please understand me...

Siddhant: Roli.. it should be me who should avoid you knowing about your love with someone.. when i am not bothered.. then what is your problem...

Roli: Siddhant... atleast till 2 days back... it was like i was in love... but now... i cant...

Siddhnat: What are you talking Roli...

Roli: Siddhant... i met him again..

SIddhant: Oh!!! Then why you didn't bring him and marry...

Roli: But he left the place and went again before i can bring him...

Siddhant: Ok... he left right... then i think no problem now..

Roli: SIddhant... yes he left me and went from there... but you dont know what happened before that...

Siddhant: Tell me what happened...

Siddhant by now went close to her...

Roli: Siddhant... i... i...

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