Part 24

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Roli pushed him and got up from there...

Roli went near the window...

Siddhant with a smile got down from the bed and went near her...

Roli: you got hurt in the knees right.. why are you walking now???

Siddhant: What can i do??? Whereever you are i will be there... 

Siddhant turned Roli towards him...

Siddhant: Roli... i dont want this separation or distance between us anymore...

Siddhant moved towards her face...

Roli blushed...

Still tried to control herself from getting lost...

Roli: Siddhant... Just go and take rest...

Roli hold his hand and bring him back to bed...

She made him sit and tried to move from there...

Siddhant hold her hand...

Siddhant: Roli... if you dont stay here... then i too will be coming behind you...

Roli: That is possible.. only if i am in this room... What will you do if i go down to kitchen...

Siddhant: ok... you go and see what i will do then...

Roli smiled and rushed out of the room...

Roli went to kitchen and started helping Sujatha...

Sujatha: Roli... i will handle all these... be with Siddhant...He was missing you badly...

Roli: I know maaji... not only Siddhant... But also myself.. i was also missing him badly...

Sujatha: I know Roli you both love each other a lot... And was sure your misunderstand will get clear soon and you both will join hands again...

Roli: Yes maaji... it was just a misunderstanding and i got it cleared... 

When Roli turned casually... She saw Siddhant standing in the door of kitchen with a smile...

Roli: Siddhant... why you came all the way to kitchen with this knees... 

SIddhant: Roli... i wanted to have water that is why...

Roli knows he is faking the reason...

Roli gave some water to him...

Sujatha: Roli... Take him back to your room... I will handle all this...

Roli: Ok Maaji...

Roli took Siddhant to their room...

Roli was thinking... does Siddhant might have heard what i was talking... Surely he might have...

Roli looked at Siddhant while Siddhant was already gazing at Roli with a mischief smile...

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