Part 13

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RoSid entered into decorated Siddhant room...

Siddhant locked the door and looked at Roli...

Siddhant: Wifie...who you love now???  Siddhant or your wrestling man???

Roli: Of course my wrestling man...

Siddhant: Oh ok!!! Let me turn wrestling man then... But remember wrestling man wont let the opponent to win... 

He removed his shirt...

Roli: First of all... i am not your opponent.. i am your partner... Moreover i am happy if you win me...

Roli said with a blush...

Siddhant: Oh!!! Tell that looking at me...

Roli lean on his shoulder and hide herself...

Siddhant: Roli i still remember you telling me you can stay in this shoulder life long...

Roli: Yes... I am ready to stay on your shoulder life long... you have any doubt in that!!!

Siddhant: Doubt with my Roli... No chance...

Siddhant took Roli in his arms...

He dropped her in the bed and lean towards her...

Roli wrapped her hand around his waist...

Siddhant kissed all over her face and moved towards her lips...

Roli accepted him with all love...

RoSid moved closer.. closer... closer...

Winning the other and losing themselves...

Roli & Siddhant become RoSid...

Roli got up from her mother lap with tears and rushed towards her room...

She cant bear thinking about it anymore...

The beautiful moments... love & affection... care & understanding...

How they were... How everything turned upside down...

Roli started shedding tears...

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