Part 23

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Roli reached Bharatwaj house...

Sujatha was happy seeing Roli back...

She just welcome her with smile and Roli felt bad that she hurt them and went away like that...

Roli: Maaji.. i am sorry.. i hurt you all...

Sujatha: Its ok Roli... you are back.. i am happy about it... Nothing more is required by me...

Roli: Maaji... Siddhant...

Sujatha: Roli.. he is in your room only... go and see...

Roli rushed towards their room...

Siddhant was in the bed reading some book when Roli entered into their room...

Siddhant lift his face and saw Roli in the entrance...

Siddhant was pleasantly surprised...

Siddhant: Roli...

Roli in the meantime, decided to play with him for some more time...

Roli: What Roli... i just came to see whether your wound got heal...

Roli kept the bag inside her cupboard and went near him...

Siddhant was looking into her eyes...

Roli: What are you looking like me your wound...

Roli started removing the shirt buttons...

She removed his shirt...

Roli caress his body above the healing wounds...

Siddhant: ooch...

Roli: Is it paining...let it pain... you only told this pain is nothing... Let the pain be...

She continued caressing the wound...

Siddhant was just gazing at her...

ROli: I said dont see me like this... i have not come for that...

SIddhant: Didn't come for what???

Roli: for...

Roli got no reply...

Siddhant: For!!!

Roli: For talking with you.. just came to see the wounds and apply the ointment...

Roli took the ointment...

Siddhant took the ointment back from her...

Siddhant: No Need...

Roli: What do you mean by 'No need'

Siddhant: I said.. no need to apply ointment today...

Roli: but why.. then how it will get heal... 

Siddhant: I dont want this ointment when my Queen of medicine Roli is with me...

Roli: I am queen of medicine for you...

Siddhant then what.. moreover...

Roli: Moreover...

Siddhant: you cant hug... 

Telling this Siddhant pulled her towards him and hug tightly...

Siddhant: And you cant even kiss... Because you cant kiss over the ointment...

Siddhant brushed his lips on her cheeks...

Roli: Siddhant.. what are you doing??? i have not come to hug or kiss... leave me...

She got up and sat like before...

Siddhant: Are you sure...

Roli: yes.. i am sure...

Siddhant: Still.. Keep that separate why you have come.. Lets romance for a while...

Siddhant pulled her again towards him...

Roli: I dont want...

Siddhant: You dont want to romance with Siddhant or your lover wrestling man...

Roli just looked into his eyes...

She got no reply...

SIddhant kissed all over her face and moved towards her lips...

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