Part 25

324 11 1

RoSid reached their room...

Siddhant locked the door...

Roli tried to move while Siddhant hold her hands...

He pulled her towards him and wrapped his hands around her...

Roli: Siddhant...  first sit in the bed.. i am worried about your injured knees...

Roli took Siddhant to the bed and made him sit in the bed...

Siddhant: Now you will sit here beside me right... If not... you are aware what i will do...

Roli sat beside him...

Siddhant wrapped his hands again around her and pulled her closer...

Roli now lean on his shoulder...

Siddhant kissed on her forehead...

Roli kissed on his chest...

Siddhant: I told you right... no need for ointment... 

Roli blushed...

Siddhant: Roli... now tell me... i know you miss me.. also heard from your mouth itself... moreover you said misundertanding also cleared.. then why this hide & seek with me...

Roli: Siddhant... First you tell me... you know right Verma industries is our competitor...

SIddhant: yes i know...

Roli: Then why you allowed me to join there...

Siddhant: I was not interested in upsetting you telling not to join there.. thats why...

Roli swiftly lift her face and looked at Siddhant...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Roli... i cant see you upset... you know right...

Roli: But Siddhant... then i started marketing our customers also... then also you kept quiet...

Siddhant: Roli in customers.. there is no yours or mine... They give biz to anyone who give good service and rates... If i lost customers.. then it shows my staff inefficiency while if you got biz then it shows your efficiency...

Roli: Siddhant how did you take this very light... But others are not like that...

Siddhant: I know Roli... Our marketing staffs passed such bad comment about you when i asked about their performance... that is why i thought instead of giving chance for others to talk... lets make you stop to go to that job itself.. that is what i tried to convey that day...

Roli: But i didn't hear fully or was not ready to hear you...

Siddhant: That is there... but i too did a mistake.. I was not suppose to talk to you bluntly... Actually after that i dismissed that person who talk about you like that just clarifying him that he can work where he got no such competition and he can do biz without putting hard work and knowledge... But i was suppose to do that without talking to you.. unwanted i tried to convey that and it turned differently...

Roli got tears by now...

Roli: Siddhant...

She lean on his shoulder and cried badly...

SIddhant: Hey Roli... why are you crying now... 

Roli: How good you are... I dont even deserve you Siddhant...

Siddhant: Roli... look at me...

Siddhant lift & cup her face...

Siddhant: if you dont deserve then who in the world can deserve... I am Roli's Siddhant and you are Siddhant's Roli...  Dont talk like that and all... just leave it.. 

Siddhant consol her and Roli slowly stopped crying and smiled...

Siddhant: by the way how you came to know all those...

Roli narrated what has happened with her in the office...

Roli: Siddhant I am really sorry... i have become reason for losing our company biz... 

Siddhant: Hey... COme on...Its all normal in biz... if not you someone else will try to take that biz... That is all ok... but this is not ok...

Roli: What!!!

Siddhant: Still talking inspite of getting the misunderstanding cleared...

Roli blushed...

Siddhant moved towards her face...

Roli accepted all his love with happiness...

RoSid didn't find any trace of any misunderstanding in that love...

RoSid live and love happily forever...

RoSid realised then when love exists all misunderstanding are just mirage...When we look to it... they no more exists...

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