Part 18

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Siddhant went to office next day with some sort of excitement on talking to Roli the previous day...

He attended the meetings which was postpone by him since Roli left...

Infact all meeting got success and his biz new dealings signed...

Siddhant was happy about it...

Then Siddhant realised...why he went to talk to Roli like that just for sake of some idiot talking about her...

Siddhant immediately called that staff to his cabin...

Staff: Sir...

Siddhant: You are the one who told about lady marketing person on Verma Industries the other day right...

Staff: Yes sir.. that is the fact sir... 

Siddhant: oh!  That is the fact!!! You got proof of it!!! you are sure about it!!!

Staff: I may not have proof sir... but it is quiet obvious that after lady marketing person is appointed they are getting more what it means???

Siddhant: it means she worked hard while you useless people are passing the time seeking reason for your failure... You are dismissed... you can go to the office where there is no competitor having lady staff so that you can perform well...

Staff:Sir... Did i committed any mistake sir.. it was just my opinion... Why you have taken it serious and dismiss is something not correct sir...

Siddhant: Oh!  Now you will teach me what is right & what is wrong... You can get lost...

Staff went out without any other option...

Siddhant was thinking.. I am sorry Roli... I thought of avoiding others comments and told you to resign the job.. But people like him is going to be there always chewing others matters and commenting like all these... I was not suppose to take it serious...

Siddhant thought for a while and decided to come up with some solution for the misunderstanding...

Of course who knows her more than Siddhant...

In the night after dinner...

Siddhant went to his room and dialed Roli number...

Roli avoid his call for 2-3 times...

But Siddhant didn't give up...

He was trying again & again...

Finally Roli took the call...

Roli though took the call didn't talk anything...

Siddhant too kept silent...

Roli was wondering why he is not talking anything...

After a while.. when Roli lost her patience...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Thank you Roli... how many days went hearing my name thorough you.. I am very happy...

Roli: But i am not happy... I dont like you calling me like this again and again...

Siddhant: if i dont call you.. then who will call my dear wife...

Roli: I am not your wife... Dont worry i will send divorce paper too soon... 

Siddhant: Roli.. what childishness is this... what has happened between us to take such rash decision...

Roli: it is not rash decision Siddhant...  That is the right decision...

Siddhant: Roli... May be i failed to explain you what i tried to tell.. that is why you did misunderstood... but surely my intention was not bad Roli... Please hear me...

Roli: I dont want to hear anything...

Siddhant: Ok... leave all those bitter things... Now i called you to tell you something...

Roli: What???

Siddhant: Wrestling match...

Roli: Wrestling match???

SIddhant: Yes ROli.. There is wrestling match tomorrow and i am going to participate in that.. I wish you too come there...

ROli: No... I am not interested...

Siddhant: COme on Roli... even before i become your husband.. Even before our love confession... you came to see my match and used to get excited... now talking as if not interested...

Roli: Yes... i am not interested...

Siddhant: Ok.. if that is your decision.. leave it...

ROli:What leave it...

Siddhant: I am not going to fight with the opponent... will stay without fighting till i see you...

ROli: What madness is this??? then the opponent will hit you badly...

Siddhant: Its ok... i am ready to take those hits...

Roli: But why...

SIddhant: When my Roli is not interested in myself playing wrestling match... then what is the use to play and win... Bye... if i live alive will meet sometime...

Siddhant disconnect the line...

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