Part 16

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Siddhant rushed towards his room...

He was waiting for Roli to come...

Roli came home little late and tired too...

She kept the bag and went near Siddhant..

Roli: Siddhant... you have come early today!!! Maaji was telling me... 

Siddhant didn't reply...

Roli: Are you ok??? Any headache or anything??? why you seems to be dull... not even talking...

No response...

Roli: Siddhant...

She hold his waist and looked into his eyes...

Roli: What happened... tell me naa Siddhant...

Siddhant: ROli... you are not going to the job from tomorrow...

Roli: What???

Siddhant: yes Roli... Please inform your boss and stop going...

Roli: But why???

Siddhant: Dont ask me the reason... please do what i say...

Roli: Siddhant.. without even reason why are you telling me to resign... what is this... i didn't expect this from you... Tell me valid reason.. Then i am sure to resign my job...

Siddhant: Roli... I dont feel good that you are doing marketing job.. thats why...

Roli: Siddhant... are you crazy??? We discussed on this before joining the job and you did agreed right.. then what happened suddenly now...

Siddhant: yes i said that day also... also telling the same today... Please hear my words...

Roli: No Siddhant.. it is not right.. this reason is not valid...

Siddhant: Roli please understand... 

Roli: What can i understand... tell me... the actual reason...

Siddhant: What you want me to tell... Ok.. hear... others are telling bad about you...

Roli: Bad about me???

SIddhant: yes... they are telling your company is using you for getting biz... 

Roli: Others are telling or you are telling...

She asked looking into his eyes...

SIddhant: Roli... Do you think i will tell about you like this... wont you know my Roli...

He tried to hold her...

Roli took his hand from her...

She took her hands from him too...

Roli: Siddhant... i didn't expect this from you...

Siddhant: Roli... Please understand...

Roli: Now only i understood you Siddhant... clearly understood you... you have shown your actual...

Siddhant: Roli.. why cant you understand what i am telling you... why are you taking in wrong way...

Roli: That is what i am asking... why are you taking in wrong way... FInally i am telling you... i am not going to leave the job... as well as i am not going to stay with you... lets part...

SIddhant: Roli... what are you talking???

Roli: Siddhant... i am telling the fact... lets part ourselves and stay... i am not ready to stay with you anymore... 

Roli started packing her clothes...

Siddhant: Roli.. what madness is this... where will you go...

Roli: What you thought... without you i cant lead my life.. it is better to live alone instead of living with you like person...

Siddhant: Roli...

Roli: Please dont even take my name.. And yes... if you try to contact me in future.. i will go out of the city without even informing anyone.. Then you can never locate me.. mind you...

Roli took her bag and quit Bharatwaj house...

Siddhant tried to go behind her..

ROli: it will be better you dont come my way anymore.. Just get lost from my life... If not i will do what i said...

Roli went out of the house leaving Siddhant with tears...

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