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Misha gained custody of Neva. Now her name is Neva Collins. She loves it. But every time one man touches her she tenses up. Guess that what happened when her family was abusive. Neva. I say softly. She looks over to me hurt in her eyes. Why did you get in trouble? I ask very calmly and softly.

I throw a tantrum like a baby. She said

Do you do that at the age of eight? I ask

No. She says. She already got spanked.

Go to the time out corner. I say

Yes, ma'ma


I see my kids in the crowd so no profanity. Misha said. Me, Misha, Jensen, Jared, and Caylus are doing a panel.

Ahhhh. Neva screams. I instantly jump off stage. I run to her.

Hey, hey, hey. I say. Shhhh. Its okay. I say in a soothing voice. I pick her up and cradle her in my arms.

Auntie Okalynn. She says. She calmed down instantly in my arms. I saw my old daddy coming home abusing me. She said

Your old daddy is gone now. I whisper in her ear as we come onto stage.

Daddy! She cried reaching for him. Her little body clinging to him. The crowd concerned. Its okay next question. She says

Hi, I sorry Neva. She says

Don't be. She says back. She went back to her seat.

Okay, I was wondering how are your kids doing. She asked

Good. Arianna and Brianna just wristlet each other. They get rough like Jared's boys. We special guests. Just then Brianna, Arianna, JJ, and Thomas came from behind the certain. I pick up Arianna. Hey. I say.  Can you say hi? I ask she didn't say anything. Okay no? I say

Hi. She said and hid her face in my shoulder. Daddy, I want daddy. She spoke up. Caylus grabbed her. Now holding both kids.

Hey, JJ. Jensen said to his daughter.  Say hi. He said holding her.

Hi. She said

Aww. The crowd said. We put them down they start to wristlet. Brianna and Thomas. Arianna and JJ. Then I see. Brianna pin Thomas to the ground.

Tap out! She says. The crowd laughs. Tap out! She says again

No. He says breaking her grip and pinning her to the ground.

Thomas. She says. Get off me. She says and kicks him in the foot causing him to fall. She pins him again. Tap out! She says.

Okay. He says. Brianna jumps on his back.

Carry me Tom. She says. Tom falls down.

You're heavy. He says

I'm only forty pounds. She says
I can pick you up. She said

Try. He said. She picked him up. Put me down. He said. She did.

Daddy! JJ said

Yes, honeybee. He said

Arrow and Zeppelin are behind you. She says. We look over and the rest of the kids are there.

Mommy. Aphrodite said through his Pacifier

Come here honeybee. I say he waddles over. I take the Pacifier out his mouth. Say hi. I say

Hi. He says he goes play.

Okay, next question. I say

Hi my name Nala. She says

Hi, Nala. Everyone on stage says in unison

So, let the kids tell a story. She said. They told this story.

So, JJ, Tom, Shep, Odette, Neva, West, Maison, Arianna, Aphrodite, October, and me were playing on set. Brianna said

We accidentally knocked into a sharp prop our Daddy's and Mommy's were working with. Tom Said

It didn't end well. Arianna said

So, Aphrodite got a hold of the blade. He was swinging it around in the air.  JJ said

Then swoosh. He cut Brianna's arm on the shoulder. She started crying. Arianna said

Then their mommy and daddy fixed her up and got made at him. Thomas said.

Then, see that slash. Shep asked. That's the scare it left. He said

Yep. I said. We made them play in my rental house. They played there with Unkie Cliff watching them.

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